Operations and Maintenance Agreement Considerations for Federal Agency On-site Wind Energy Projects

Provides considerations when drafting an operations and maintenance (O&M) agreement with a third party for the servicing of an on-site, government agency-owned, grid-connected, size-neutral wind turbine.

Federal Energy Management Program

July 25, 2023
minute read time

This checklist is intended as a resource when drafting an operations and maintenance (O&M) agreement with a third party for the servicing of an on-site, government agency-owned, grid-connected, size-neutral wind turbine in the United States. The considerations list also briefly describes what would be required for an agency's on-site staff to provide O&M.

Disclaimer: This O&M checklist is intended as a resource only. It is the responsibility of government agency staff to ensure that all procurements follow all applicable federal requirements and agency-specific policies and procedures. All procurements must be thoroughly reviewed by agency contracting and legal staff and should be modified to address each agency's unique acquisition process, agency-specific authorities, and project-specific characteristics.

How To Use This Document

Use this checklist in tandem with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory's O&M Best Practices for On-site Wind Turbines, which provides an overview of wind turbine technologies and standard maintenance procedures, and FEMP's Technical Specifications for On-site Wind Turbine Installations, which provides a customizable template for the procurement and installation of a wind turbine.