Cybersecurity Considerations and Research Pathways for Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings

Fact sheet describes how interconnected systems and smart devices need to be designed with cybersecurity best practices to prevent security gaps and potential attack paths.

Federal Energy Management Program

October 14, 2024
minute read time

Federal facilities serve critical missions and functions that require safe, reliable, and efficient operations. Digitization of several facility operations has increased the cost-effectiveness of energy usage and optimization of energy system performance. 

As the building controls landscape shifts to become more connected and smarter, building operators now face unique opportunities and challenges to adopt smart enabled devices that can lower energy usage while also optimizing building system performance.

The grid-interactive efficient buildings (GEB) initiative aims to make buildings cleaner and more flexible through these smart devices. Smart enabled devices allow greater connectivity and control through remote operations and provide crucial data for analytics and increased efficiency. GEBs enable demand flexibility that has the potential to reduce electrical costs and transform the grid edge where buildings connect to power grids. 

This operation of interconnected systems, if not designed with cybersecurity practices, causes security gaps and introduces potential attack paths by adversarial and non-adversarial entities leading to disruption of operations.