Division of Natural Gas Regulation - Submitting Blanket Import/Export Applications Electronically - E-Filing

Welcome to the Division of Natural Gas Regulation Electronic Filing System. The Import/Export Office regulates the import and export of natural gas under section 3 of the Natural Gas Act and 10 C.F.R. 590.202.7(c). This online system is currently available for short-term, "blanket" applications to import and export natural gas from and to Canada and Mexico and to import liquefied natural gas (LNG).

There is presently no provision for submitting long-term applications or multiple company applications electronically. Click here for more information about the requirements for long-term authorizations.

  • Blanket Authorizations are issued for a period of two years.
  • There is a filing fee of $50.00 for each application. DOE only accepts electronic payments. No checks or money orders will be accepted.
  • Applications for blanket authorizations may be submitted through a DOE online application system.
  • First-time applicants must also include a signed paper copy of their opinion of counsel which will be available once you have submitted your application. If renewing your application with the same name and company associates you will not have to submit new opinion of counsel.
  • OMB Control Number for Applications and Related Filings: 1901-0294 Current Expiration Date: 08/31/2026.

Or Click here for information regarding the manual system.

Exporting Liquefied Natural Gas - Click here for information.

Need Help?  Click here for a list of staff contacts.