(Current) E-Filing Instructions for Natural Gas Authorizations

You can submit short-term/blanket applications to the Department of Energy (DOE) online thru the Portal for the importation and exportation of natural gas from and to Canada and Mexico, the importation of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from various international sources and for the export of LNG from Canada and Mexico.  This internet application process should, in most cases, provide you with an authorization within ten working days after receiving the document containing legal signature.  General terms, conditions, and restrictions of the e-online filings process are:

  1. Term of the authorization is for two (2) years, referred to as a "Blanket" "or Short-Term" Authorization.
  2. An Order will be issued by DOE granting the authority requested.
  3. Resulting Order is for one or more of the following authorities:
    • Import Natural Gas into the U.S. from Canada
    • Export Natural Gas from the U.S. into Canada
    • Import Natural Gas into the U.S. from Mexico
    • Export Natural Gas from the U.S. into Mexico
    • Import LNG from various sources (Includes Canada and Mexico)
    • Import LNG from Canada by truck
    • Import LNG from Mexico by truck
    • Export LNG to Canada by vessel or truck or both
    • Export LNG to Mexico by vessel or truck or both
  4. Transactions may occur at any existing U.S. border point connection or LNG terminal.
  5. To expedite processing, applicant may request one combined authorized volume amount (Bcf), which represents the sum of all authorities granted to applicant under the Order. The applicant may request individual authorized volumes for each authority.
  6. The effective date of the authorization is the date the Order is issued by DOE, unless the applicant requests a specific date.
  7. DOE will respond to applicants by e-mail or, if requested, by fax or U.S. Mail.
  8. There is a filing fee of $50 for each application. DOE only accepts electronic payments. No checks or money orders will be accepted.
  9. Applicant must provide company and contact information, as well as a report contact.
  10. A new Order will be issued to make the following changes to existing orders.
    a. Extend term of Order.
    b. Add authority, e.g. add Export to existing import authority.
    c. Remove authority.
    d. Change authorized volume amount in Bcf.
    e. Change company name.
    f. Terminate/Vacate an existing Order.
  11. An Order will require the applicant to file Monthly Reports providing DOE with specified information, including the volume of natural gas imported or exported.

Click here to Obtain New Blanket Authorization (Current E-file no registration Required); New Portal - Registration Required.

Contact Information:  Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FE-34), U.S. Department of Energy, P.O. Box 44375, Washington, DC  20026-4375, 202-586-9478


Key Definitions
Natural Gas is defined by section 2(5) of the Natural Gas Act to mean "either natural gas unmixed, or any mixture of natural and artificial gas." Natural gas includes liquefied natural gas and gels primarily composed of natural gas.
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is a liquid hydrocarbon mixture that is gaseous at reservoir temperatures and pressures, but which can be recovered through the process of condensation or absorption. Natural gas is cooled to a temperature of approx. -260 degrees F at atmospheric pressure and condenses to LNG. LNG is odorless, non-corrosive, and non-toxic. When vaporized it burns only in concentrations of 5% to 15% when mixed with air. Neither LNG, nor its vapor, can explode in an unconfined environment.
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is a liquid hydrocarbon mixture that is gaseous at reservoir temperatures and pressures, but which can be recovered through the process of condensation or absorption. Natural gas is cooled to a temperature of approx. -260 degrees F at atmospheric pressure and condenses to LNG. LNG is odorless, non-corrosive, and non-toxic. When vaporized it burns only in concentrations of 5% to 15% when mixed with air. Neither LNG, nor its vapor, can explode in an unconfined environment.
A "Blanket" (short-term) authorization permits a company to import and export natural gas on a short-term or spot market basis over a two-year term under gas supply contracts of 2 years or less. Applicants are not required to submit purchase and sales contracts.
Extended or Changed Orders - As a matter of administrative practice, blanket Orders are not extended or changed. A company must apply for new authority prior to the expiration of its current authority. A new Docket Number is issued upon application and a new Order No. upon issuance. Upon request to "change, amend, etc." a current authority, the current Order will be vacated and a new order with the "change" will be issued.
Monthly Reports - All Authorization holders must file monthly reports detailing import and/or export activity. These reports are filed within 30 days following each month. Example: the March report is due April 30. Reports must be filed even if there is no activity.