Natural Gas Imports and Exports Monthly 2023

Monthly Natural Gas Import and Export Volumes and Prices

Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management

February 23, 2024
minute read time

Natural Gas Imports and Exports Monthly Report

On November 17, 2023, The U.S. Department of Energy’s, Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) launched a new report called the Natural Gas Imports and Exports Monthly, replacing the LNG Monthly and the Natural Gas Imports and Exports Quarterly Reports.  This new product includes comparative and trend aggregate analyses for all forms of natural gas, including liquefied natural gas (LNG) and compressed natural gas (CNG), and for all modes of transport.   It also includes aggregate and transaction level data provided in three Excel files. The data source is the DOE/FECM Form FE-746R, “Monthly Report of Natural Gas Imports and Exports.”

The Natural Gas Imports and Exports Monthly report provides analyses of import/export volumes and prices summarized in graphs and tables.  The analyses are presented top-down, starting with the analysis of U.S. aggregated imports and exports and ending with the analysis of U.S. imports and exports at the point of entry/exit. Liquefied natural gas (LNG) data are placed in focus in specific areas of the report. The comparison metrics include the following:

  1. Report month compared to the previous month.
  2. Report month compared to the same month of the previous year.
  3. Report year-to-date compares to the previous year-to-date.
  4. Report year compares to the previous year.

The new report also includes five data sets provided in three Excel files that aim to help users explore and analyze other aspects of U.S. imports and exports in more detail.

  1. The U.S. Natural Gas Imports, Exports, and Re-Exports Summary data file provides aggregated data of U.S. natural gas traded volumes and prices with countries of origin/destination.  The data are aggregated based on the transaction month, activity, mode of transport, gas type, and point of entry/exit or country of origin/destination. 
  2. The U.S. LNG Exports and Re-Exports Transaction Details data file provides transaction level data of U.S. LNG traded volumes with countries of destination.  The data attributes include arrival / departure date, company name, docket number, docket term, activity, gas type, mode of transport, supplier, tanker, point of entry/exit, country of destination, and volume (MMCF). 
  3. The U.S. Natural Gas Import, Export, and Re-Exports Transaction Details data file provides transaction level data of U.S. natural gas traded volumes with countries of origin or destination.  The data attributes include transaction month, arrival / departure date, company name, docket number, docket term, activity, gas type, mode of transport, supplier, tanker, point of entry/exit, country of origin/destination, and volume (MMCF).