
The Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management's (FECM) conducts systems, economic, and environmental analysis that is primarily focused on:

  • Cost and performance for carbon management technologies
  • The role of carbon management in energy markets
  • Life Cycle Analysis 
  • Energy markets assessments
  • Integration of carbon management technologies with the U.S. Power Grid
  • Effects of carbon management deployment in local communities

To support these primary functions, FECM activities include:

  • Environmental Analysis: FECM evaluates environmental issues associated with power generation and industrial technologies and benefits of advanced carbon management technologies through the use of system studies, deep dive analysis of environmental retrofits, life cycle analysis, and engineering assessments of environmental control systems.
  • Market and Policy Analysis: FECM evaluates the policy landscape and existing markets to aid in the deployment of advanced carbon management technologies, helping assess the market potential and impacts of policy changes.  Tools such as the National Energy Modeling System, Production Cost Models, and other advanced analysis techniques are utilized to better understand the role of carbon management in the U.S. energy system.
  • Strategic Planning:  While adhering to the Department’s goals and objectives, FECM is responsible for developing periodic strategic guidance to assist in the development of FECM's research and development activities. 
  • Technical Engagement: FECM coordinates with policy makers in the Federal, state, and private sectors to ensure that the best technical information is considered, which in turn allows for the sound development of policies that affect the deployment of advanced carbon management technologies. FECM coordinates and collaborates with external analysts to ensure proper representation of carbon management technologies.
  • Economic, Jobs, and Social Impact Analysis: FECM undertakes analyses which address the economic, jobs, and social impacts associated with the deployment of carbon management technologies. We actively study how deployments will change the conditions in local communities which serve as hosts for carbon management technologies.

A variety of analysis methodologies are used in combination to provide a robust understanding of the cost, performance, and barriers to the deployment of carbon management technologies. Through a system of coordinated efforts and thoughtfully engaging with stakeholders, realistic scenarios can be crafted using market and technology-based information.