This document provides the conceptual design report to implement carbon capture, utilization & storage (CCUS) and other CO2 emissions technologies as applied to the cement industry in the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS).
This report outlines the configuration of the Industrial Demand Module within NEMS today, which uses data at a highly aggregated level and is incompatible with the granularity required to conduct a thorough analysis. A unit-level calculation approach is preferred, but requires new calculations of technology replacements for existing units and technology choice for new units. In support of this effort, Fossil Energy and Carbon Management has developed a database of all the cement plants in the U.S. for unit-level calculations of these technologies. A proposed modeling framework based on a Knowledge-Based Modeling approach would consist of four areas of development: expansion of the knowledge base with additional data, reconciliation of data with current NEMS model, generation of input data for the model, and building model calculations. Further process oriented suggestions are included within the report, outlining steps needed to execute the coding and development of such a Cement CCUS model within NEMS.