Addendum to Environmental Review Documents Concerning Exports of Natural Gas from the United States

On August 15, 2014, the Department of Energy's Office of Fossil Energy published the final Addendum To Environmental Review Documents Concerning Exports Of Natural Gas From The United States (Addendum). The purpose of the Addendum is to provide additional information to the public regarding the potential environmental impacts of unconventional natural gas exploration and production activities. DOE has received many comments related to concerns about the potential impacts from increased development of unconventional natural gas resources in the United States, particularly production that involves hydraulic fracturing. While not required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), DOE has prepared this Addendum in an effort to be responsive to the public and provide the most current information available.

This Addendum is intended to provide information only on the impact areas most often associated with unconventional natural gas production. The Addendum is not the result of new analysis or research, but rather is based on DOE’s review of existing studies and analyses. A key resource in preparing the Addendum was the report Environmental Impacts of Unconventional Natural Gas Development and Production (May 29, 2014), prepared by the National Energy Technology Laboratory, a DOE Laboratory. A link to that report is also included below.

On May 29, 2014, DOE announced the availability for public review and comment the Draft Addendum To Environmental Review Documents Concerning Exports Of Natural Gas From The United States (Draft Addendum). DOE made this Draft Addendum available for public review and comment. The comment period closed on July 21, 2014.  DOE considered all comments prior to developing the final Addendum.