Tank Waste

A large group of people pose for a group picture in front of an outside plaque
The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Environmental Management received concurrence this month from the South Carolina Department of Environmental Services and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that the Savannah River Site has successfully removed waste from Tank 9 and may now proceed to the next step in the closure process for that tank.
Three employees in yellow hard hats, one employee holds a tool and works with it
Workers at the Hanford Site’s Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant have completed testing key safety systems inside the plant’s Low-Activity Waste Facility, moving the facility toward commissioning to support the Direct-Feed Low-Activity Waste Program to immobilize tank waste in glass.
Rotating images of the inside of an underground basin
Workers at the Hanford Site recently finished filling the last large concrete basin at the K Reactor Area with cement-like grout. The basin stored reactor fuel rods from the plutonium production mission.
A man in a yellow safety jacket stands with his back towards the camera and works inside a glass covered area
A One Hanford contractor partnership has developed a new process to ensure radioactive and chemical tank waste is ready for pretreatment quickly and efficiently at the Hanford Site.