Science & Technology News

Watch this video on the construction of the Paducah Site's new Emergency Operations Center. Crews are shown pumping concrete for the pad of the facility.
As EM’s Paducah Site completed its first emergency exercise since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, construction crews broke ground on the new Emergency Operations Center (EOC) to improve coordination and response to emergencies across the site.
Nolan Wright, Washington River Protection Solutions Instrumentation and Controls engineer, left, and Darin Wood, nuclear chemical operator, talk with operators at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant control room to test the transfer line communication system between the plant and Hanford’s AP Tank Farm.
Hanford Site crews recently completed testing on a transfer line communications system between the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP) and the nearby tank farm, or large group of underground storage tanks, where pretreated waste is being stored
Construction on the Safety Significant Confinement Ventilation System at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant continues to progress, including excavation for tanks and piping, as seen here outside of the Salt Reduction Building recently.
Both capital projects at EM’s WIPP are making remarkable progress due to a determined, creative workforce that is overcoming the challenges of the multimillion-dollar work so the facility can operate safely and compliantly for decades to come.