Safety News

During an EM cleanup project, crews drained and deactivated 8,500 feet of piping of the East Column Exchange (COLEX) equipment at the Alpha-4 facility at the Y-12 National Security Complex. These efforts retrieved 2.3 tons of mercury and prevented a potential release into the environment.
EM has prepared the East Column Exchange (COLEX) equipment at Oak Ridge for demolition following deactivation work that involved retrieving mercury from the deteriorating structures to prevent a potential environmental release.
Waste retrieval from Tank AX-101, the last of four tanks to be retrieved in the Hanford Site’s AX Farm, is set to begin this fall. This in-tank photo shows the salt-based waste and the tank’s 22 air-lift circulators.
Tank by tank, batch by batch, the EM Office of River Protection (ORP) & tank operations contractor Washington River Protection (WRPS) are reducing risk to the environment by retrieving waste from the Hanford Site’s single-shell waste-storage tanks.
Kirk H. McDaniel, a subject matter expert on underground ventilation at EM’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, has received honors from the Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration for advocating and promoting advanced technology research and development of the ‘Mine of the Future’ to reduce risks and improve miner safety.
A subject matter expert on underground ventilation at the nation's only deep geologic repository has been recognized by the Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration for his work to improve miner safety.
  The glovebox excavator method project bred new life into the prospect that buried waste could be exhumed from Pit 9 and other pits within a 97-acre landfill known as the Subsurface Disposal Area at the DOE Idaho National Laboratory Site.
DOE, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and state of Idaho signed a record of decision to clean up a pit within a waste repository at the DOE Idaho National Laboratory Site using a chemical extraction process, which later proved unsuccessful.