Portsmouth News

John Rendall, president and general manager of cleanup contractor CH2M HILL BWXT West Valley at EM’s West Valley Demonstration Project, shares news that demolition of the Main Plant Process Building has begun at the West Valley site
A panel of leaders from EM and several of its contractors provided updates at the National Cleanup Workshop on key progress and discussed the next phase of the cleanup mission.
Members of the panel titled “Maximizing Reuse Opportunities at EM Sites” included, from left, Randall Ryti, chair of the Los Alamos County Council; Jennifer Chandler, administrator of the Village of Piketon, Ohio; and Ken Rueter, president and CEO of UCOR.
EM partners near the Hanford, Los Alamos, Portsmouth and Oak Ridge sites highlighted reuse opportunities in the cleanup program during a panel session at the National Cleanup Workshop.
EM’s Moab Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action Project has been honored with the Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool Purchaser Award for a third year in a row.
Purchasing environmentally friendly products is a longtime goal of EM’s Moab Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) Project, and the site has been recognized for it for a third year in a row.