Deactivation & Decommissioning (D&D) News

Officials from EM and the Office of Naval Reactors (NR) mark the transfer of the Submarine 1st Generation Westinghouse (S1W) prototype facility from NR to EM on Jan 27.
EM is set to deactivate and demolish the prototype for a reactor plant used for the first nuclear-powered submarine, a major step toward advancing environmental cleanup at the DOE's Idaho National Laboratory (INL) Site.
Here, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions personnel manage the demolition of structures and steam lines that crisscrossed this major remediation project.
EM and its contractors at the Savannah River Site (SRS) recently achieved their 4,000th environmental cleanup milestone under a state-issued hazardous and mixed-waste permit and an agreement enacted by state and federal regulators.
Josh Mengers, EM’s acting field manager at the Energy Technology Engineering Center (ETEC), right, shakes hands with California Department of Toxic Substances Control Engineering Geologist Bruce Garbaccio.
Trucks carrying the last of demolition waste safely left the Energy Technology Engineering Center northwest of Los Angeles on Jan. 26, marking another milestone in EM’s cleanup following the teardown of the final DOE-owned buildings there in October.