Deactivation & Decommissioning (D&D) News

Before and after views of the demolition of Building 175 at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
EM partnered with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) to complete the recent demolition of a building and removal of a reactor to make room for new facilities on the lab’s 1-square-mile footprint.
During an EM cleanup project, crews drained and deactivated 8,500 feet of piping of the East Column Exchange (COLEX) equipment at the Alpha-4 facility at the Y-12 National Security Complex. These efforts retrieved 2.3 tons of mercury and prevented a potential release into the environment.
EM has prepared the East Column Exchange (COLEX) equipment at Oak Ridge for demolition following deactivation work that involved retrieving mercury from the deteriorating structures to prevent a potential environmental release.
Crews at H Canyon at the Savannah River Site remove an old transformer to make room for new equipment needed for an electrolytic dissolver.
A recent upgrade at H Canyon at the Savannah River Site (SRS) will now make it possible to process plutonium fuel removed from a Japanese research reactor, aiding the National Nuclear Security Administration’s (NNSA) nonproliferation mission.