Strategy and Accomplishments

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Water Power Technologies Office’s (WPTO) strategy and accomplishments are summarized in its Multi-Year Program Plan (MYPP), Annual Accomplishments Report, and Peer Review. These three efforts provide insight into the Office’s priorities and progress toward its mission to enable research, development, and testing of new technologies to advance marine energy and next-generation hydropower and pumped storage systems for a clean, flexible, and reliable grid.

Multi-Year Program Plan 

The MYPP serves as an operational guide to help WPTO manage and coordinate its activities, as well as a vehicle to communicate its mission, goals, and plans to water power stakeholders and the public. The Office release its first MYPP in 2022, which report details WPTO’s research, development, demonstration, and commercial activities for the coming years and outlines how these efforts will help meet the nation’s energy and sustainability goals. It also provides a comprehensive summary of all key performance goals to be achieved by 2025, as well as follow-on objectives running through 2030.  

Annual Accomplishments Report 

The Annual Accomplishments Report highlights achievements and results from WPTO-supported projects across its Hydropower and Marine Energy programs from the last fiscal year. This 2022-2023 report highlights WPTO’s projects and other efforts that support the goals outlined in the MYPP, including new tools and resources for project developers, numerous in-water deployments of emerging technologies, and STEM outreach efforts. Read past WPTO annual accomplishments reports from 2021–2022, 2020–2021, and 2019–2020.  

Peer Review 

The purpose of the triennial Peer Review is to evaluate projects funded by WPTO based on their contribution to the office’s mission and goals, track progress made against stated objectives, and assess the Office's overall management and performance. Results from the Peer Review process are used to inform programmatic decision making; enhance active project management; and modify or expand existing projects. The Peer Review process enables external stakeholders to provide feedback on the most impactful use of taxpayer funding and develop recommendations for the most efficient and effective ways to accelerate industry development in water power technologies.