Water Power Program Peer Reviews

Past Peer Reviews

The purpose of the Peer Review is to evaluate WPTO programs based on their contributions to the office’s mission and goals, provide feedback on future direction, and assess the office’s overall management and performance. Results from the Peer Review process are used to inform programmatic decision making; enhance active project management; and modify or expand existing projects. The Peer Review process enables external stakeholders to provide feedback on the most impactful use of taxpayer funding and develop recommendations for the most efficient and effective ways to accelerate industry development in water power technologies. For more information on previous peer reviews, please visit the links below.

All programs within the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) are required to undertake rigorous, objective peer reviews covering their key projects and active project portfolio. This ensures and enhances the management, relevance, effectiveness, and productivity of those projects.