State, Local, and Community Energy Growth

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) works closely with states and communities to ensure they have the information and resources to address their unique energy needs.

DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) helps communities across the United States provide resilient and affordable energy by supporting funding initiatives, technical assistance programs, and do-it-yourself (DIY) tools.

Why Is Localized Support Critical for Nationwide Energy Growth?

Not all communities have the resources required to plan and deploy clean energy projects, or they may encounter specific challenges that make it difficult to do so. For example, remote and island communities have unique geographic features that can impact their energy systems. They are more vulnerable to extreme weather conditions and power outages and may not have adequate access to transmission lines delivering centralized power generation. For many of these communities, access to a resilientaffordable, and reliable local energy mix is a priority. 

By building a knowledge-sharing network of communities and connecting them to experts at national laboratories, EERE is helping communities to define their own priorities—whether greater affordability, reduced power outages, sustainable job creation, or cleaner air—and leverage renewable energy innovations to meet those priorities. Programs include the following.

Additional Resources

EERE partners with the DOE’s Office of State and Community Energy Programs (SCEP) on several programs.

Clean Energy to Communities

The Clean Energy to Communities (C2C) program provides tailored, knowledge-based assistance across the renewable power, grid, transportation, and buildings sectors. By bringing together innovative technologies, state-of-the-art modeling, and unique abilities to test clean energy plans before installing them in the field, C2C fosters community-led innovation by closing the gap between clean energy ambitions and real-world deployment.

Energy Transitions Initiative and Partnership Project

For a decade, EERE’s flagship Energy Transitions Initiative (ETI) has supported energy growth for island and remote communities through partnerships and collaboration. ETI offers technical assistance, planning resources, tools, and training to help these communities achieve energy goals related to: 

  • Local resource reliance 
  • Institutional, social, and economic resilience 
  • Enhanced institutional capacity 
  • Lower energy costs. 

The ETI Partnership Project (ETIPP) leverages the benefits of ETI by connecting participating communities with energy experts—including national lab staff and regional advisors—to address their priorities and advance the development of resilient energy systems. Learn more about regional ETIPP cohorts.

State, Local, and Community Energy Growth News