Luminaire dirt depreciation (LDD) data were evaluated for seven luminaires from three different project sites in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Minneapolis, Minnesota; and Yuma, Arizona.
May 3, 2021Luminaire dirt depreciation (LDD) data were evaluated for seven luminaires from three different project sites in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Minneapolis, Minnesota; and Yuma, Arizona. In each case, the luminaires were removed from the installation, carefully packaged and transported to a photometric testing laboratory, and then tested in the “as-is” or dirty condition, cleaned, and retested. In terms of light output, the results showed that the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) RP-36-15 method for estimating LDD was applicable to the LED luminaires evaluated. General claims of lower levels of dirt deprecation (or higher LDD values) for LED luminaires than for luminaires using conventional light sources were not supported by the test data for the LED luminaires in these three projects. While the overall measured lumen depreciation due to accumulated dirt closely matched IES estimates for LDD, the data indicated that the accumulated dirt on the luminaires dramatically altered the luminous intensity distribution of the luminaires, with reductions in intensity of more than 25% at peak angles. These effects on luminous intensity distribution are not accounted for in IES LDD estimates.