Concentrating Solar Power SunShot Research and Development

-- These projects are inactive --


In June 2012, DOE announced the awardees of the Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) SunShot Research and Development (Program Fact Sheet) funding opportunity as follows (Summary of the projects and funding):


The SunShot CSP R&D program seeks to accelerate progress toward the cost target of $0.06 per kilowatt-hour through novel and revolutionary research into CSP technologies. The awardees are working to produce dramatic improvements in CSP performance and cost by:

  • Increasing system efficiency through higher-temperature operations
  • Minimizing optical and thermal efficiency losses in the system
  • Reducing the cost of the solar field.


This applied research program supports technological developments that have the potential for dramatic improvements over existing commercial and near-commercial CSP systems. The revolutionary concepts being explored by the awardees target each subsystem, including collectors, receivers, power cycles, and associated hardware.