Funding Selections: FY24 Energy and Emissions Intensive Industries FOA

Office: Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Office
FOA Number: DE-FOA-0003219
Available Funding: $136 million

On Jan. 8, 2025, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced more than $136 million for 66 selected projects to support the research and development of transformational technologies essential for reducing energy demand and improving American productivity in key industrial subsectors. These investments will accelerate the development of innovative technologies to ensure the resilience and competitiveness of U.S. industrial supply chains in rapidly changing global markets.  

The selected projects will advance technology solutions for core portions of our nation's industrial base, including the manufacturing of chemicals and fuels, iron and steel, cement and concrete, forest and paper products, food and beverage, glass and other industries. Together, these industries account for over 75% of the U.S. industrial energy demand, employ roughly 13 million Americans, and contribute roughly $27 trillion to U.S. GDP.  

Projects were selected in the following six topic areas:   

  1. Chemicals and Fuels
  2. Iron and Steel
  3. Food and Beverage Products
  4. Building and Infrastructure
  5. Forest Products
  6. Industrial Pre-FEED Studies 

Topic Area 1 – Decarbonizing Chemicals and Fuels

    • City/State: San Francisco, California
    • Federal Funding: $2,997,413
    • Project Lead: Ammobia, Inc.
    • Partners: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Clariant, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

    Ammobia, Inc. and partners aim to integrate traditionally separate reaction and separation steps to produce ammonia by including catalysts and adsorbent within one reactor vessel. Ammonia is a high volume energy- and emission- intensive chemical used as an agricultural fertilizer and precursor to other chemical products. The proposed research plan will advance a potentially transformation approach to combine both reaction and separation into one unit operation diverging from the conventional high temperature and pressure reaction then distillation. By integrating both steps, the process can utilize lower pressure and temperature conditions while being capable of higher conversion of hydrogen and nitrogen to make ammonia compared to the traditional Haber Bosch (HB) process. This process intensification technology has the potential to reduce energy consumption and emissions by 70-95% compared to state-of-the-art HB.

    • City/State: Fremont, California
    • Federal Funding: $5,000,000
    • Project Lead: Nitricity Inc.

    Nitricity Inc. plans to demonstrate a large-scale plasma-based process to convert air, water, and renewable electricity into a nitrate-based fertilizer. Most nitrogen fertilizers used today are fossil derived ammonia-based fertilizers that carry large carbon footprints. Nitrate-based fertilizers offer an alternative to the energy and emission intensive Haber Bosch (HB) process used to make ammonia. The process can produce a variety of fertilizer products (Ca, K, P variants) and nitric acid without the need for ammonia as a feedstock. This could displace the need for ammonia for nitrate-based fertilizer production further reducing carbon emissions. By improving energy efficiency of the plasma-based reactor, Nitricity has the potential to demonstrate an electrified low-cost process that can produce nitrate-based fertilizer with less than half the emissions of traditional production methods.

    • City/State: Sunderland, Massachusetts
    • Federal Funding: $2,508,000
    • Project Lead: KSE, Inc.
    • Partners: University of Massachusetts Amherst

    KSE, Inc. and partners aim to develop a pre-pilot scale process to produce 2,5 Furandicarboxylic acid (FDCA), an alternative to terephthalic acid (TPA) used in polyester production such as PET beverage containers, from biomass and captured CO2. The technology avoids the use of toxic intermediates and displaces fossil derived PET polymers while having superior material properties potentially having a significant impact on reducing emission and energy consumption. The process also benefits from electrified catalysts regeneration and avoids byproducts that could hinder the viability of the FDCA product. Displacement of fossil derived PET with a high performance, low-cost polymer could have large impacts on reducing carbon emissions and address toxic intermediates used in traditional polymer manufacturing. If successful, this project could reduce carbon emissions by 90% and energy consumption by 45% compared to TPA.

    • City/State: Brooklyn, New York
    • Federal Funding: $3,000,000
    • Project Lead: ChemFinity Technologies, Inc.
    • Partners: Membrane Technology and Research, Inc.

    ChemFinity Technologies Inc. and partners will develop a novel mixed matrix membrane (MMM) separation process that integrates metal organic frameworks (MOFs) to actively separate olefin/paraffin mixtures (ethylene from ethane) which traditionally require energy intensive thermal-based separation methods like distillation or cryogenic separation. The proposed research plan would advance the state of the art by potentially replacing the energy intensive separations of ethylene/ethane and propylene/propane with a novel facilitated transport membrane that has the potential to increase the slow diffusion kinetics of traditional membrane separations. The project has high potential impact of displacing thermal distillation processes in the petrochemical industry. If successful, this project could reduce carbon emissions by >50% and energy consumption by >35% compared to traditional separation technology.

    • City/State: New Haven, Connecticut
    • Federal Funding: $3,000,000
    • Project Lead: Protein Evolution, Inc.
    • Partners: Xytel, Acies Bio d.o.o, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

    Protein Evolution and partners will optimize and scaleup an enzymatic recycling process to convert previously unrecyclable textile waste into high quality terephthalic acid (TPA), a precursor to polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Unlike other biological recycling methods Protein Evolution can also isolate textile dyes that often inhibit enzymatic recycling while also eliminating chemical waste streams associated with biological treatment. Since PET fibers make up a majority of all PET produced, more than beverage containers like bottles, the potential impact is significant with the potential to reduce carbon emissions by as much as 70% compared to conventional fossil derived PET production.

    • City/State: Buffalo, New York
    • Federal Funding: $3,000,000
    • Project Lead: E2H2NANO, LLC
    • Partners: Johnson Matthey, SUNY University at Buffalo, University of South Carolina

    E2H2NANO, LLC, and partners plan to scaleup and further optimize a membrane-based reactor to produce ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen with improved performance compared to conventional Haber-Bosch (HB). This is achieved by integrating both reaction and separation to produce high purity ammonia in a compact reactor at moderate temperatures and pressures. From these innovations it is possible to reduce emissions and energy consumption by 70-80% compared to HB. Additionally, E2H2NANO’s membrane reactor will reduce hazardous by-products, criteria air pollutants, and water consumption that plague traditional ammonia synthesis.

    • City/State: St. Louis, Missouri
    • Federal Funding: $2,100,000
    • Project Lead: Washington University
    • Partners: BASF Corporation, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

    Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL) and partners will work to convert biogas, or other waste gases comprised of CO2 and methane, to dimethyl ether (DME) using a two-step process. DME is an important intermediate chemical and a potential alternative fuel that often rely on petroleum-based feedstocks and process heat. First, WUSTL will scaleup electrified thermal-catalytic conversion of waste gas to syngas utilizing induction to heat the catalyst itself without heating the entire reactor volume. Then, the process will integrate the single step conversion of syngas to DME using a copper-based catalyst. This innovation has the potential to significantly reduce energy consumption while increasing reaction performance and catalysts lifetime with potential to enable carbon negative DME production. 

    • City/State: Des Plaines, Illinois
    • Federal Funding: $3,000,000
    • Project Lead: GTI Energy
    • Partners: Dow Chemical, Montserrat Almeida

    GTI and partners aim to develop a two-stage process that converts municipal solid waste (MSW) into syngas by demonstrating an electrified twin-pyrolysis-auger coupled with a thermal-reactor to make ash free syngas. The syngas can be used to synthesize methanol or other chemicals. The focus of the project is the auger system, which will demonstrate new materials and electric heating to drastically reduce operation and capital costs. Additionally, the process minimizes hazardous contaminants released into the atmosphere including greenhouse gas emissions.  If successful, methanol produced from syngas has the potential to reduce carbon emissions energy consumption by 60-70% compared to conventional methanol production.

    • City/State: Idaho Falls, Idaho
    • Federal Funding: $3,000,000
    • Project Lead: Idaho National Laboratory 
    • Partners: Clariant Corporation, Alkegen

    Idaho National Laboratory (INL) and its partners plan to develop a novel catalyst and chemical manufacturing process. This system enables decarbonized and energy efficient catalyst regeneration using radio frequency (RF) induction heating and the waste CO2 stream collected from biomass gasification. This strategy will be applied to propane dehydrogenation (PDH), which is responsible for the production of propylene. INL will lead the development of new experimental and modeling capabilities  that use complex, industrial catalyst compositions, unlocking the ability to reduce 100% of the emissions and 80% of the energy use compared to conventional catalysts regeneration processes.

    • City/State: Omaha, Nebraska
    • Federal Funding: $2,374,142
    • Project Lead: Bluestem Biosciences 

    Bluestem Biosciences will demonstrate the biological conversion of biomass to ethyl acrylate (EA) using two novel chemical pathways that avoid using petroleum-based feedstocks that face supply chain issues. Currently, EA is used as a "building block" molecule for chemical products like paints and personal care products. Both of this project’s fermentation-based pathways will utilize sustainable energy and biogenic feedstocks to reduce carbon emissions by as much as 50% and energy consumption of 40% compared to traditional sources of EA. Additionally, Bluestem Bioscience's technology avoids toxic intermediate and may be able to utilize existing infrastructure to accelerate adoption.

    • City/State: Albuquerque, New Mexico
    • Federal Funding: $2,371,340
    • Project Lead: Sandia National Laboratory
    • Partners: Meredian Bioplastics dba Danimer Scientific, Algenesis Corporation, Sulzer Chemtec, USA, Inc., Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

    Sandia National Laboratory (SNL) and partners aim to utilize discarded polyolefins sourced from material recycling facilities (MRFs) to produce dicarboxylic acids (DCAs) that will be made into plastic products. Examples include polyurethane (PU) and biodegradable polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) plastics, which are commonly used for packaging and traditionally rely on petroleum feedstocks. Using novel pre-processing technologies and a catalytic oxidation process to deconstruct polymers at mild conditions, the project will address the full value chain with specific industry partners at each step. Utilizing waste plastics could reduce the need for petroleum-based products and has the potential to reduce carbon emissions by >60% and energy consumption by 30% compared to fossil derived derivatives.

Topic Area 2 – Decarbonizing Iron and Steel

    • City/State: Duluth, Minnesota
    • Federal Funding: $3,100,000
    • Project Lead: University of Minnesota Duluth
    • Partners: National Renewable Energy Laboratory

    The University of Minnesota–Duluth, in partnership with U.S. Steel, aims to develop a transformational new beneficiation process for upgrading Minnesotan taconite ores to a "direct reduction" (DR) grade. This new integrative flowsheet will demonstrate processing industrial feedstock material at a scale of up to 1 ton per hour. This approach will seek to reduce the overall energy demand of DR grade pellet production by 25%, increase iron recovery by 3–5% through efficiency increases, and improve pellet quality through mitigation of sticking within the DR shaft furnace during iron production. Improving the supply of DR-grade pellets is a critical enabler for driving deeper penetration of DR technology into the steel production landscape due to the increasing demand for DR grade ores, reducing the energy footprint, and increasing the production of DR grade material supply.

    • City/State: Durham, North Carolina
    • Federal Funding: $2,500,000
    • Project Lead: Research Triangle Institute
    • Partners: Gunnadoo Consulting, LLC., Thar Energy, LLC

    RTI and its partners aim to extract high-grade magnetite from widely available mafic and ultramafic rocks utilizing an innovative CO2 mineralization process wherein CO2 is reacted with input material to form magnetite and sequester the CO2 in the solid phase. This novel technique can operate at significant net-negative emissions owing to the CO2 mineralization reaction, and the project team will seek to demonstrate the capability of sequestering 2.4 tons of CO2 per ton of high-grade magnetite. If successful, pellets with significantly negative embodied emissions could deployed as a drop-in solution for existing BF production and offer a route to deliver extremely low embodied emissions steel through conventional processing routes.

    • City/State: Houston, Texas
    • Federal Funding: $2,988,838
    • Project Lead: Lunar Resources, Inc.
    • Partners: Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Tribal Government, Texas A&M University, Icon Technology, Siemens USA

    Lunar Resources, Inc. and its partners aim to demonstrate an innovative iron production technology to overcome anode degradation challenges associated with molten oxide electrolysis (MOE), a new, breakthrough process for commercial production of iron ore.  The project will seek to eliminate the material challenges associated with the harsh operating environment of a MOE reactor, extending operational lifetimes >1000x greater than conventional anodes. Anode durability is the primary barrier to commercial success of MOE technology. This innovation would decrease the reliance on a nascent MOE anode supply chain, and reduce operational energy usage, electrify primary iron production, and decrease emissions.

    • City/State: Golden, CO
    • Federal Funding: $706,281
    • Project Lead: National Renewable Energy Laboratory
    • Partners: Carnegie Mellon University, Nucor

    The National Renewable Energy Laboratory and its partners aim to develop a novel solution for removing copper from steel scrap. Through a unique, two-staged process, steel scrap is selectively carburized using CO2, while copper is subsequently melt-separated from the scrap. This technology's maximum removal potential is likely far in excess of what is achievable with conventional scrap sorting technology. Given the significant increase in scrap value as copper content decreases, this new process has the potential to lead to favorable process economics and increase domestic scrap utilization rates.

    • City/State: Ithaca, New York
    • Federal Funding: $3,000,000
    • Project Lead: Cornell University
    • Partners: NRRI, University of Minnesota Duluth, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

    Cornell University and its partners aim to recover a high-grade iron oxide product (>68 wt.% Fe) using a novel electrochemical process to recover iron from mine tailings and metallurgical slags such as electric arc furnace slag. This process can facilitate decarbonization by expanding the production of high-grade iron feedstocks to enable deployment of direct reduction technology in ironmaking. The focus will predominantly be around production of these feedstocks from non-conventional sources, such as tailings and slag by-products of iron mining and production.

    • City/State: New Freedom, Pennsylvania
    • Federal Funding: $3,000,000
    • Project Lead: Helios Project Ltd.
    • Partners: Creative Engineers Inc., Hatch, National Energy Technology Laboratory, Nucor Corp

    Helios Project Ltd. and its partners will advance their ironmaking process where metallic sodium is employed as the reductant to produce metallic iron with no direct CO2 emissions. This new process offers a route to produce a direct reduced iron product at moderate temperatures with extremely rapid reduction kinetics and at a lower energy intensity than incumbent ironmaking processes. Using a metallic reducing agent in iron production is novel and innovative and can overcome some of the technical hurdles associated with direct electrification of the reduction process.

    • City/State: Markle, Indiana
    • Federal Funding: $3,000,000
    • Project Lead: Sortera Technologies, Inc.
    • Partners: Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne, ThermOhm, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Pennsylvania

    Sortera Technologies, Inc. and its partners seek to demonstrate innovative scrap processing technology subjecting shredded scrap to a two-stage separation: an AI-assisted first-pass image recognition sorting technology, followed by the use of a novel thermo-mechanical separation process, selectively reacting copper to aid in the mechanical separation. Lower copper content scraps are significantly more valuable than their high copper counterparts. Low copper scrap availability significantly reduces the demand for carbon-intensive ore-based metallics such as direct reduced iron and iron pig in electric arc furnaces, which carries significant emissions and energy benefits for the steel production and recycling chain. This technology would have tremendous positive effects on the scrap processing industry if successful and adopted more broadly.

    • City/State: Reno, Nevada
    • Federal Funding: $2,092,583
    • Project Lead: University of Nevada-Reno
    • Partners: University of Utah, NexGen Materials

    The University of Nevada-Reno and its partners seek to develop a novel beneficiation process to produce high-grade iron ore of direct reduction quality from hematite using a range of techniques such as X-ray Transmission sorting, High-Pressure Grinding Rolls, ball milling, and bacterial flocculation. The project utilizes a combination of technologies at the kilogram scales to produce a concentrate of 70% iron and less than 2% gangue. By using these energy-efficient technologies, the project seeks to reduce the impact of emissions on the beneficiation process by 50%. Due to its novel integration of beneficiation technologies and auspicious target ore quality and emissions reduction potential, the project can have dramatic downstream impacts on the emissions involved with iron and steel production by facilitating the deployment of DRI production technology.

    • City/State: Richland, Washington
    • Federal Funding: $1,000,000
    • Project Lead: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
    • Partners: Polykala Technologies LLC, Dr. Mark Feng

    Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and its partners aim to develop an electrochemical process route to produce metallic, low-emission iron from red mud, a waste product that is otherwise costly to dispose. Red mud contains significant levels of iron oxide as a by-product of alumina production. The recovery of iron from red mud has proven challenging through conventional approaches, often leading to a need to stockpile the material.

    • City/State: Champaign, Illinois
    • Federal Funding: $1,000,000
    • Project Lead: Starfire Industries 
    • Partners: Vale S.A., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    Starfire Industries and its partners aim to significantly lower process temperatures by developing a process to produce directly reduced iron through a low-carbon pathway. Utilizing a non-thermal hydrogen plasma will significantly lower process temperatures in fluidized bed systems more than current, Iron direct reduction. This process emits no direct CO2 and, when operated with renewable electricity and hydrogen, has the potential to decarbonize iron production. The application has the potential to create sticking caused by FeO generation within fluidized beds and the thermal management challenges associated with the endothermic reduction of iron using hydrogen gas.

    • City/State: Baltimore, Maryland
    • Federal Funding: $2,138,281
    • Project Lead: Johns Hopkins University
    • Partners: EDAC Labs, inc., Argonne National Laboratory

    Johns Hopkins University and its partners aim to develop an alternative low emissions pathway for the electrochemical production of metallic iron. This low-temperature, directly electrified process has the potential to deliver deep CO2 emission reductions for the ironmaking process when powered by renewable electricity and will be demonstrated on a range of different ore qualities to gauge suitability. The project’s primary innovation lies in the comproportionating step to reduce Fe3+ to Fe2+ prior to electrowinning, which can dramatically improve cell efficiency and productivity. The proposed cycling of acid generated through the electrowinning step (which is directly reintegrated with the leaching step) may reduce emissions and energy demand in the ironmaking process while producing a high quality metallic iron feedstock material suitable for electric arc furnace steelmaking.

    • City/State: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
    • Federal Funding: $1,100,000
    • Project Lead: Carnegie Mellon University 
    • Partners: Electra, Nucor

    Carnegie Mellon University and its partners seek further understanding of the performance of Electra's low-carbon electrolytic iron product within electric arc furnace steel production. The project team will assess the emissions, quality, and efficiency impact of introducing this new iron product into existing electric arc furnace production through process modeling, laboratory oxidation tests, and melting tests. The impacts of utilizing new, low-carbon feedstock materials in electric arc furnace production have a broad potential reach.

    • City/State: Duluth, Minnesota
    • Federal Funding: $2,997,738
    • Project Lead: University of Minnesota Duluth
    • Partners: Metcovery II, LLC, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

    University of Minnesota Duluth and its partners look to scale and demonstrate a flow-through induction melting furnace. The furnace uses a novel graphite susceptor core concept, targeted explicitly toward pre-processing low-grade DRI into a carburized pig iron product. Compared with existing DRI smelting technology, this iron product is gangue-free and carburized. It is suitable as a high-value drop-in replacement for merchant pig iron in electric arc furnaces. The high potential for displacement of a significant amount of pig iron used in American EAFs with a lower carbon intensity will allow for significant emissions reductions while maintaining high productivity and economically competitive EAF production of steel.

    • City/State: Houghton, Michigan
    • Federal Funding: $1,035309
    • Project Lead: Michigan Technological University

    Michigan Technological University seeks to develop a novel reductive bioleaching process targeting the recovery of high-purity iron oxide from very low iron content (<20 wt.% Fe) mine tailings by using a community of metal-reducing microorganisms. Following bioleaching, reoxidation of the leachate will yield an oxide product suitable for use as raw material for direct reduced iron production – a significantly lower emissions production pathway for steel. The technology requires low energy input and minimal infrastructure to operate at a large-scale plant. The process carries significant economic, emissions, and community benefits for former mining communities where these tailings stockpiles are often located.

Topic Area 3 – Decarbonizing Food and Beverage Products

    • City/State: Boston, Massachusetts
    • Federal Funding: $2,421,994
    • Project Lead: Ginkgo Bioworks 
    • Partners: Aleut Community St. Paul Island, St. Paul Island Tribal Government, Vireo Advisors, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

    Ginkgo Bioworks and its partners seek to develop novel precision fermentation technology and processes that will allow for enhanced, low-emission human lactoferrin (hLF) production. This protein is integral in bolstering immune health, maintaining gut homeostasis, and supporting infant brain development. The project plans to create and scale the production of alternative hLF through a novel yeast strain capable of efficient utilization of diverse, low-cost carbon sources for bioproduction .The proposed research plan could replace bovine lactoferrin (bLF) with hLF precision fermented from waste feedstocks, which has the potential for significant cost and environmental benefits, in addition to providing a more efficacious supplement and robust supply chain for infant nutrition. This process has the potential to significantly advance lactoferrin production while addressing critical waste utilization challenges and reducing carbon footprint. 

    • City/State: East Lansing, Michigan
    • Federal Funding: $1,000,000
    • Project Lead: Michigan State University 
    • Partners: Auburn University, Virginia State University, University of Florida, Clemson University

    Michigan State University and its partners seek to create antimicrobial fiber-based packaging with biodegradable, compostable film covering as an alternative to the single-use clamshell container. The project plans to create an antimicrobial package prototype consisting of an ethanol-releasing paperboard tray and a biodegradable/compostable film for commodities commercialized in plastic single-use clamshells. The proposed plan would contribute to decarbonizing the produce supply chain by providing an alternative to single-use plastic clamshells that allow for packaging circularity and extend whole fresh produce shelf life, thereby reducing food waste, emissions, and cumulative energy use.  

    • City/State: Pleasant Hill, California
    • Federal Funding: $2,300,000
    • Project Lead: Wilson Engineering Technologies, Inc.
    • Partners: Tyson Foods, TetraTech, Spurt, Axiom

    Wilson Engineering Technologies, Inc., and its partners seek to develop, test, and demonstrate the benefits of the Energy Flows Redistribution Process (EFRP) for industrial poultry rendering. The project plans to design the system and the components needed for the thermo-vacuum drying system. The proposed research plan, if successful, would effectively reduce the carbon footprint of the drying operation of poultry rendering, lower energy consumption, and increase production throughput. 

    • City/State: Oak Ridge, Tennessee
    • Federal Funding: $1,000,000
    • Project Lead: Oak Ridge National Laboratory 
    • Partners:  Solaronics, Inc., Trimac Industrial Systems, New Buildings Institute

    Oak Ridge National Laboratory and its partners seek to develop and demonstrate a hybrid electric-fuel infrared emitting thermal technology specifically designed for commercial kitchens. The project plans to develop and optimize the hybrid system through rigorous testing and refinement for optimal functionality. The proposed research plan would deliver modulated thermal energy for different thermal intensities and temperature ranges with the ability to turn down, making it a versatile building block for various cooking equipment pieces, including vat fryers, biscuit ovens, clam shell grills, etc. Successful execution of this project is estimated to result in a reduction in carbon emissions, a reduction in energy consumption compared to existing solutions, and compatibility with existing high-powered equipment commonly used in commercial kitchens.

    • City/State: Des Plaines, Illinois
    • Federal Funding: $1,000,000
    • Project Lead: GTI Energy 

    GTI Energy aims to develop and demonstrate an advanced high hydrogen flexible flame 3D printed low emissions matrix burner technology. The project plans to identify methods to measure the quality of cooking performance using hydrogen/natural gas blends. The proposed research plan, if successful, would address the lack of adoption of decarbonizing equipment and technologies in commercial food service by demonstrating cooking performance for equipment using hydrogen/natural gas blends. This information would allow manufacturers and operators to adjust equipment designs and cooking methods to better work with hydrogen to promote a reduction in energy consumption and a significant reduction in emissions. 

    • City/State: Knoxville, Tennessee
    • Federal Funding: $1,000,000
    • Project Lead: University of Tennessee, Knoxville 
    • Partners: Plant Switch, Georgia Institute of Technology, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry

    The University of Tennessee, Knoxville and its partners seek to identify preferred bioresources and extraction protocols to isolate a 'near white' lignin resource with chemical structures optimized for biocomposite production targeted at manufacturing bio‐derived films, bottles, and packages. The project plans to optimize low-chromophore lignin extraction technology, lignin interfacial properties with polylactic acid (PLA) and polybutylene succinate (PBS), and enhanced lignin-PBS and lignin-PLA physical strength properties. The proposed research plan, if successful, would present opportunities for a sustainable and regenerative bioeconomy, improve the properties compared to a neat polymer matrix, reduce emissions, and lower the cost of production. The project outlines a clear path for commercialization, supported by collaborations with industry partners, enhancing its potential impact.

    • City/State: Albany, California
    • Federal Funding: $1,000,000
    • Project Lead: Mango Materials 
    • Partners: The Clorox Company, Earthfirst Films, Amy's Kitchen

    Mango Materials and its partners aim to produce a commercial-ready prototype PHA-based film as a direct, functional replacement for biaxially-oriented polypropylene (BOPP) films synthesized almost entirely from bio-based feedstocks. The project plans to develop bio-based, PHA-based formulated pellets to replace conventional, generally petrochemical-based plastics in films for food packaging. The proposed research plan would advance the development of a biodegradable, PHA-based film with a lower carbon impact, improve performance, and identify comparable properties to conventional food packaging materials. The innovation could address environmental concerns associated with conventional BOPP film while demonstrating a substantial potential market and a significant reduction in emissions and energy use.

    • City/State: Somerville, Massachusetts
    • Federal Funding: $5,431,018
    • Project Lead: Tender Food Inc.

    Tender Food Inc. seeks to develop a novel low-energy, lower-carbon fiber spinning technology to accelerate alternative proteins' adoption radically. The project plans to design and assemble a pilot scale fiber-spinning system with significantly higher production volume capabilities in a food-safe facility and scale fiber spinning systems. The proposed research plan would produce a versatile, high-quality alternative plant-based whole-cut protein using a processing method with a lower energy and carbon intensity compared to conventional production methods. Advancing the technological readiness of this system would enable scale throughput and a decrease in the costs of goods sold (COGS), enabling price parity with conventional animal products (meat). Successful demonstration of this project is estimated to lead to a reduction in carbon intensity and energy intensity compared to conventional alternative protein production methods. 

    • City/State: East Lansing, Michigan
    • Federal Funding: $1,835,288
    • Project Lead: Michigan State University 
    • Partners: The Culture Club LLC, Michigan State University Innovation Center

    Michigan State University aims to develop a sustainable plant protein production platform that uses microbial processes to replace chemical-and energy-intensive alkaline extraction and recycles processing residues to generate renewable energy and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The project plans to optimize ultrasound-assisted fermentation. The proposed research plan would demonstrate the utility of generic, flexible, and scalable microbial processes to extract plant protein from various crop sources, yielding high-solubility protein with improved functionality. The completion of the project would create a sustainable plant protein circular economy to decarbonize food ingredient production, reduce the carbon intensity of protein isolate, decrease water usage, and reduce waste generation.

    • City/State: Knoxville, Tennessee
    • Federal Funding: $999,987
    • Project Lead: University of Tennessee, Knoxville
    • Partners: SAIREM Corporation and Accelerated Cooking Products

     The University of Tennessee, Knoxville seeks to develop and test a set of Intelligent Modular solid-state Microwave (IM2) cooking equipment to perform common foodservice cooking functions in the laboratory environment. The project plans to develop hardware modules for four common foodservice cooking functions and intelligent software modules based on dynamic frequency control strategy with supportive machine learning algorithms. The proposed research plan would create microwave equipment that offers sustainable electrification and decarbonization efforts by replacing conventional natural gas sources with electricity; improved energy efficiency through volumetric cooking and active thermal recovery strategies; equivalent and even better cooking results by using multi-stage, multi-frequency-band solid-state cooking approach with machine-learning supported dynamic frequency control strategy; and modular designs to enable easy scale-up and assembly. Additionally, the microwave cooking equipment can be integrated with other commercially available cooking devices (i.e., induction cookers) as a complete cooking system to deliver all cooking functions needed in the kitchen, along with systematic thermal energy recovery and reuse. Successful demonstration of this project is estimated to result in a decrease in energy intensity and reduction in carbon emission while preserving and potentially enhancing food quality compared to conventional cooking methods in commercial kitchens. 

Topic Area 4 – Decarbonizing Building and Infrastructure Materials: Cement and Concrete, Asphalt, and Glass

    • City/State: Corvallis, Oregon
    • Federal Funding: $1,800,000
    • Project Lead: Oregon State University
    • Partners: Albemarle, Holcim North America

    Oregon State University aims to replace a sizeable portion of cement with an aluminosilicate by-product from lithium battery production. The by-product aluminosilicate obtained can be an alternative Supplementary Cementitious Material (SCM) in cement blends. This approach will maximize concrete performance thanks to the optimized cement-DLAS blend and can potentially offset 10 to 20 million tons of CO2 annually within 10 years. The expected demand for lithium compounds coupled with this innovation will address the need to dispose of these materials adequately. The application plans to valorize lithium waste instead of landfilling it. Using aluminosilicate as a by-product of lithium battery production is an innovative approach. The success of this project will expand the utilization of alternative SCMs in concrete mix design.

    • City/State: Golden, Colorado
    • Federal Funding: $993,320
    • Project Lead: National Renewable Energy Laboratory 
    • Partners: Metropolitan State University, Driven Plastics

    National Renewable Energy Laboratory and its partners aims to develop a cutting edge "Super Green" asphalt Additive (SGA). Its formulation is to increase plastic waste filler (10% higher PE films waste loading) and increase biogenic carbon content (10% more). In parallel, a bio-based warm-mix additive will be investigated to lower asphalt production temperature up to 40F. The project's overall goal is to reduce emissions associated with asphalt production and improve climate resiliency of asphalt roads.  This technology has the potential to reduce energy and emissions by up to 60% compared to conventional asphalt.

    • City/State: Oak Ridge, Tennessee
    • Federal Funding: $2,893,000
    • Project Lead: Oak Ridge National Laboratory

    Oak Ridge National Laboratory aims to develop physically‐ and compositionally optimized limestone/activated clay/calcium sulfate (LACCS) blends to be supplied directly to concrete producers to partially replace Portland cement, hence reducing concrete's carbon intensity compared to conventional concrete produced with ordinary Portland cement (OPC) without significant impact on performance and close proximity of the cost. The project will demonstrate technical, economic, and environmental feasibility of activating clay by mechanochemical activation (MCA) processes. Sources of clay will include overburden material from active clay mines, mine tailings, dredged sediments from ports, harbors, and waterways, and other clay-rich residues. The introduction of MCAs enables the use of clay materials in cement to fill a gap in the supply of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs), thus providing a viable, short-term solution to reduce the carbon intensity of concrete production. 

    • City/State: West Lafayette, Indiana
    • Federal Funding: $800,000
    • Project Lead: Purdue University

    Purdue University aims to develop a low-carbon, durable, and cost-efficient cold mix asphalt (CMA) pavement system using 100% recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) by incorporating a carbon-rich filler known as carbon black (CB). This project proposes an innovative approach to increase the system’s electrical conductivity to address CMA technology shortcomings by decreasing mixture curing time, improving compaction, enhancing mechanical properties, and reducing the need for virgin binders by reactivating reclaimed asphalt binders. This approach can potentially develop an innovative asphalt pavement solution that can reduce the CO2e of an asphalt pavement by at least 65% compared to the traditional hot mix asphalt (HMA) process.

    • City/State: Irvine, California
    • Federal Funding: $3,000,000
    • Project Lead: University of California, Irvine
    • Partners: Cementos Argos, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, De Nora Tech, LLC

    The University of California, Irvine and its partners seek to replace the combustion process with an electrochemical process to enable zero-carbon cement manufacturing. This clean manufacturing method can transform the chemical process of converting limestone to calcium oxide (CaO) by first producing calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 in an electrolyzer powered by renewable energy instead of direct limestone calcination in a fossil-fuel-fired kiln. Compared to conventional cement manufacturing, this technology could eliminate CO2 from fossil fuel combustion and reuse and sequester CO2 emitted during the conversion of CaCO3 to Ca(OH)2 to make value-added products, thus minimizing direct and indirect pyro-processing CO2 emissions. This technology makes cement without using a kiln and at lower temperatures. By manufacturing "synthetic" calcium oxide, the applicant bypasses the calcination of limestone and the associated CO2 emissions.

    • City/State: Berkeley, California
    • Federal Funding: $750,000
    • Project Lead: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
    • Partners: Erg Bio, Murray State University, North Carolina State University, Sandia National Laboratories

    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory seeks to develop a sustainable low-carbon asphalt pavement using lignin at a lower process temperature. Lignin-derived bio-binders offer several advantages, including their renewable nature, ability to enhance performances, and potential for cost-effectiveness. By demonstrating compliance with existing specifications, this project can overcome market barriers when dealing with lower temperatures and new mixture design, ensuring an impact that is both rapid, significant, and sustained. Replacing conventional asphalt binders with lignin-based binders can reduce emissions (min > 50%) and a 40% reduction in operation temperature during asphalt mixture production.

    • City/State: Knoxville, Tennessee
    • Federal Funding: $868,622
    • Project Lead: Carbon Rivers INC
    • Partners: TPI Composites, Johns Manville

    Carbon Rivers INC aims to develop and demonstrate a novel process, Isochoric Thermal Hydrolysis (ITH), for utilizing post-consumer and post-industrial fiberglass waste that either conditions the fiber for remelting or renders it suitable for direct re-use. With an emphasis on fiberglass containing Urea Formaldehyde Waste (UF), treated using this novel low-cost process to reclaim resin, ITH will allow for embodied energy reduction as it can prepare the feedstock at lower processing temperatures. This process targets a minimum of 50% carbon intensity reduction versus producing virgin materials. The process can potentially divert significant waste from landfills (500,000 tons of fiberglass waste annually is added to landfills in the U.S.).

    • City/State: McMinnville, Oregon
    • Federal Funding: $3,000,000
    • Project Lead: Solid Carbon, Inc.
    • Partners: Holcim Materials, University of Kentucky, Oregon State University, Wilsonville Concrete Products, Renewable Energy Laboratory

    Solid Carbon, Inc. aims to develop, test, and scale up low global warming potential (GWP) concrete enabled by the combination of three unique technologies: novel low carbon Belite-rich calcium sulfoaluminate (BCSA) and super sulfated slag (SSS) cement combined with alternative Supplementary Cementitious Material (SCMS) derived from high ash-fraction forest waste biochar as well as wastewater incinerator ash. Binder mix designs using biochar allow the project to develop low-carbon concrete, meeting baseline performance within 10%. This technology targets a reduction in global warming potential by 80% compared to traditional PLC-based concrete.

    • City/State: Madison, Wisconsin
    • Federal Funding: $800,000
    • Project Lead: University of Wisconsin–Madison

    The University of Wisconsin–Madison and its partners aim to develop an innovative technology that applies tribology principles to asphalt mixture design, production, and placement, transforming asphalt paving into a low-carbon industry with more sustainable and durable pavement. The proposed technology could conserve virgin materials, cut carbon emissions during asphalt production and placement, and improve the mechanical performance of asphalt pavements with less frequent maintenance and rehabilitation. The project aims to cut CO2 emissions by over 50% and extend pavement longevity by at least 10%. 

    • City/State: Coral Gables, Florida
    • Federal Funding: $2,999,966
    • Project Lead: University of Miami
    • Partners: Illinois Institute of Technology, Ozinga Ready Mix Concrete, Inc.

    The University of Miami and its partners seek to advance the use of low to mid-kaolinitic clays (LMKCs), portland limestone cement (PLC), and carbonated recycled concrete aggregate (CRCA) to produce ultra-low carbon concrete mixtures. The project focuses on improving the reactivity of LMKCs via calcination or mechanochemical activation (MCA) and produces concretes that meet the requirements of ASTM C1157 while achieving a 50% reduction in GWP. This framework will activate other novel Supplementary Cementitious Material (SCM) sources to accelerate scale-up and commercialization. The project will investigate 65-70% clinker replacement while achieving performances to help achieve CO2 emissions targets.

    • City/State: Rolla, Missouri
    • Federal Funding: $2,000,000
    • Project Lead: Missouri University of Science and Technology 
    • Partners: Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc., Reserve Management Group, Ecocem Americas, Quapaw Nation, Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc.

    Missouri University of Science and Technology seeks to expand the database of alternative Supplementary Cementitious Material (SCMs), SCMs, fillers to enhance an AI platform for rapid accurate performance prediction, and optimization of blends with large volume of substitutions (60-80%). The project aims to create a comprehensive database (over 20,000 data points) capturing all critical features of these substitutes for cement and concrete design, from performance and chemical and physical properties to the effect on durability. The project investigates indigenous SCMs that fit within the sector's localized landscape and provides tailored solutions depending on where the user will be in the U.S. In parallel, by valorizing waste, the quantity of landfilled waste will be reduced, bringing additional benefits to surrounding communities. The tool targets a 90% high fidelity and expects a substantial impact. It also has the potential to save time in new blend exploration. The project can mitigate up to 70% of Carbon emissions by incorporating such significant substitutes.

Topic Area 5 – Decarbonizing Forest Products

    • City/State: Atlanta, Georgia
    • Federal Funding: $2,740,104
    • Project Lead: Georgia Tech Research Corporation
    • Partners: Rayonier Advanced Materials, Mott Corporation

    Georgia Tech Research Corporation and partners aim to develop and demonstrate a suite of high-flux reduced-graphene oxide-based nanofiltration membranes and evaluate their performance in dewatering kraft black liquor in a single-pass slipstream at a pulp mill site. The project will demonstrate at least a 70% reduction in CO2e emissions compared to the current thermal process used for concentrating the solution, before it is used for energy generation and in recovery of the spent cooking chemicals. The key innovations are robust and tunable membranes that work in harsh conditions and validated process designs for integrating the membranes in mills. The process designs will include dewatering the solution to reduce energy used in the most energy-intensive operation in a pulp mill, and a design for reducing energy plus recovery of low molecular weight organic acids which are essential, widely used chemicals typically produced from fossil-based sources. 

    • City/State: Durham, North Carolina
    • Federal Funding: $3,000,000
    • Project Lead: RTI International
    • Partners: North Carolina State University

    Research Triangle Institute and their partners intend to optimize the recycling process for old corrugated containers (OCC) while producing biogas. The project will develop an innovative biochemical pulping process using anaerobic digestion (AD) to selectively hydrolyze non-cellulosic organic materials (e.g., starch and hemicellulose) and recover cellulose fiber from OCC while producing biogas to provide renewable energy for the process. While AD technology and generation of biogas is well known, the application to OCC recycling is novel and innovative. Advantages of using the proposed AD pulping technology include reduced feedstock preprocessing, lower energy demand for fiber recovery, and biogas production to offset natural gas consumption for drying. The project is expected to reduce operating costs by 10% and GHG emissions 50-60% via AD pulping compared to traditional recycling processes.

    • City/State: Pullman, Washington
    • Federal Funding: $3,000,000
    • Project Lead: Washington State University
    • Partners: Idaho National Laboratory, Rayonier Advanced Materials (RYAM), University of Cincinnati, Auburn University

    Washington State University and its partners aim to demonstrate the feasibility of applying peroxyacid pulping and bleaching (PPB) as an effective and efficient process to replace the pre-hydrolysis kraft process for dissolving pulp production, which requires extended kraft pulping and severe bleaching conditions to generate this high-purity grade of cellulose.  Earlier work has demonstrated that peracetic acid (PAA) can selectively depolymerize lignin into phenolic compounds and provide environmental advantages over chlorine dioxide including reducing CO2 emissions. Developing an integrated peroxyacid pulping and bleaching (PPB) process for dissolving pulp production represents a novel technology that can bring about significant advancements in the traditional chemical pulping industry. Based on initial estimates a minimum 60% reduction in carbon intensity can be achieved with potential to increase to 90% with an optimized and fully integrated pulping, bleaching and wastewater treatment system.

    • City/State: Columbia, Missouri
    • Federal Funding: $2,651,506
    • Project Lead: University of Missouri-Columbia
    • Partners: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Forest Concepts, Texas A&M University, Micro Nano Technologies, and Michigan Technological University

    The University of Missouri-Columbia and partners aim to develop and demonstrate an advanced heat pump wood dryer integrated with an ejector and oscillating heat pipe energy recovery unit (OHP-ERU) targeting efficient, high-quality wood drying and addressing the high energy consumption and carbon emissions of traditional dryers. The OHP-ERU will recover both sensible and latent heat from the drying chamber while the ejector will enhance system efficiency by entraining additional thermal energy into the condenser. The system will use low GWP refrigerants to meet next-generation industry standards. The modular design will enable the system to be integrated with the existing fossil-fuel-based kilns. The integration of the ejector and OHP into the heat pump wood dryer system can achieve significantly higher efficiency and lower energy consumption than regular heat pump kilns. The system will cut carbon emissions by more than 50% and minimize the operating cost by at least 50%. This electricity-driven system will be independent of direct use of fossil fuels. AI automation will guarantee easy usage, high degree of control, and high-quality end product.

    • City/State: Orono, Maine
    • Federal Funding: $2,165,568
    • Project Lead: The University of Maine
    • Partners: WestRock

    The University of Maine and their industrial partner, aim to achieve up to 85% decarbonization of kraft pulp mills by replacing the existing chemical recovery process, including the recovery boiler, with one driven by renewable electricity. The group proposes to develop and investigate an integrated process which recovers sulfur by black liquor acidification, recovers lignin by extraction with deep eutectic solvents and recovers sodium by a process known as direct causticization in which inductive heating will be used to directly convert sodium carbonate to sodium hydroxide. By decoupling chemical recovery from energy generation, this process enables the conversion of existing mills to use renewable solar or electrical heating. The recovered lignin will be converted to durable plastics to ensure the embodied carbon is not released. 

    • City/State: Cincinnati, Ohio
    • Federal Funding: $2,999,791
    • Project Lead: University of Cincinnati
    • Partners: Bettergy Corporation, Giner Inc, Idaho National Laboratory, Washington State University

    The University of Cincinnati and partners intend to develop a novel system approach to reduce energy use and emissions associated with recovery of kraft pulping chemicals, specifically the steps that involve concentration of spent cooking liquor and regeneration of lime that takes place in a kiln. The key innovations are developing new membranes for concentration of black liquor to reduce thermal energy consumption in evaporators, and sodium hydroxide recovery from green liquor via membrane electrolysis to eliminate the need for the lime kiln and the resulting emissions. The proposed work will establish lab scale equipment and processes that would serve as the basis for scale up, as well as technoeconomic analysis and life cycle analysis to inform such decisions. The proposed technologies, have the potential to reduce energy consumption by 20% and carbon intensity by 60% compared to the incumbent kraft pulping process.

    • City/State: Ames, Iowa
    • Federal Funding: $1,680,000
    • Project Lead: Iowa State University 
    • Partners: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Sappi North America, USDA Forest Product Laboratory

    Iowa State University and partners intend to intensify the pulping process compared to conventional kraft pulping by developing a novel electrified acid hydrotropic pulping technology. The project will demonstrate the electrified pulping in both bench and pilot scales and demonstrate acid recovery and reuse. Further the project will develop hydrophobic biodegradable packaging materials using unbleached pulp and demonstrate light-colored lignin with excellent natural UV-absorbing properties. The project will result in a reduction in carbon intensity of pulping by 70% and a reduction in energy consumption by at least 30% compared to kraft pulping. The coupling of novel solvent systems and advanced electrified heating will enable a novel pathway to low-energy pulping with simplified chemical recovery process and attractive high-value products, reducing emissions while improving profitability.

    • City/State: Auburn, Alabama
    • Federal Funding: $579,469 
    • Project Lead: Auburn University

    Auburn University seeks to develop, optimize, and evaluate the potential benefits of a novel dewatering process that uses mechanical forces generated from the supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) phase change to remove water from the cell lumen and cell wall instead of using conventional thermal energy processes. The objectives are to optimize the scCO2 dewatering process for softwoods, hardwoods, wood particles, and pulp fibers and evaluate the effect of the process on end-product applications as well as energy use and emissions. The expected benefits are a 10-30% reduction in energy consumption, a 50-85% reduction in carbon emission intensity, and a 50-85% reduction in volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions. Additionally, this project addresses various impacts in rural areas, often locations for forest product drying operations, including the impact of VOC emissions and other air pollutants.

Topic Area 6 – Innovative Industrial Pre-FEED Studies

    • City/State: Des Plaines, Illinois
    • Federal Funding: $1,500,000
    • Project Lead: GTI Energy
    • Partners: Blue Sky Infrastructure, Aker Carbon Capture

    GTI Energy and its partners seek to decarbonize the Steam Methane Reforming (SMR) based ammonia production at the Mosaic Faustina ammonia production facility. This Pre-FEED study will examine Aker’s advanced liquid amine solvent system to capture post-combustion CO2 from the flue gas and send it to CO2 transport and storage facilities operated by RPS Capture. This project will advance technology to remove significant amounts of CO2 from burning natural gas to power the SMR process, which is ~43% of total emissions. This project has a high potential for impact by advancing state-of-the-art SMR CO2 capture using a replicable modularized system, no net consumption of water, and a 10-fold reduction in solvent losses, enabling extremely low energy use for capture.

    • City/State: Richland, Washington
    • Federal Funding: $1,498,906
    • Project Lead: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
    • Partners: Eastman Chemical Company and Fluor Corporation

    Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and its partners seek to build a liquid carbon capture system for CO2 emissions from Eastman’s hydrocarbon cracking units. For this pre-FEED study, the technology applies a water-lean solvent to the flue gas from the natural gas-fired furnace that powers the cracker. The proposed work would capture significant amounts of CO2 emitted from the cracker units, representing 30% of the site's emissions. The project has the potential to provide a techno-economic and environmental foundation to expand this technology to industrial manufacturing processes (e.g., chemicals, pulp, and paper) beyond the power sector.

    • City/State: Aurora, Illinois
    • Federal Funding: $1,497,724
    • Project Lead: NewCarbon, LLC
    • Partners: Black & Veatch, Energy & Environmental Research Center (University of North Dakota), Graymont

    NewCarbon, LLC, seeks to integrate carbon capture, electrolysis, and methanation technologies with an oxy-fuel parallel flow regeneratie (PFR) lime kiln, reducing CO2 emissions while converting the captured CO2 into low carbon-intensity synthetic fuel. For this Pre-FEED study, the CO2 capture system will compare commercially available carbon capture facilities, including membrane filtration and conventional amine separation technologies. This technology could provide a pathway for carbon utilization in the upper peninsula of Michigan which lacks suitable geology for carbon sequestration. 

    • City/State: Houston, Texas
    • Federal Funding: $1,500,000
    • Project Lead: Lyondell Chemical Company
    • Partners: Missouri University of Science & Technology and John Zink Hamworthy Combustion

    Lyondell Chemical Company and its partners aim to evaluate the optimal pathway for achieving greenhouse gas emission reduction through innovative technology integration in the olefin chemicals industry. This Pre-FEED project plans to target technologies based on their potential to leverage existing tax and policy incentives, improve energy efficiency, reduce emissions, and enhance operational integration. The proposed technology integration includes ultra-low NOx fuel flexible burners, furnace convection technology, water gas shift reactor technology, air separation technologies, hydrogen production, and CO2 capture. The proposed integration of multiple technologies aims to develop a net-zero pathway for ethylene production in the second-largest single-train cracker in North America.

    • City/State: Seattle, Washington
    • Federal Funding: $1,499,889
    • Project Lead: Svante Technologies Inc.
    • Partners: Wood, Paper Excellence

    For this Pre-FEED study, Svante Technologies Inc. and its partners seek to examine capturing post-combustion CO2 from recovery boilers at a pulping mill. Svante’s rotary solid sorbent system would provide carbon capture engineered for specific advantages, including (1) Metal-organic framework (MOF) sorbent with fast kinetics to respond to changes in conditions; (2) low vacuum/low-temperature regeneration that allows the use of low-grade waste heat to save energy and cost; and (3) modular set up to minimize design burden. The proposed work has the potential to advance technology and site-specific analysis for CO2 capture from two recovery boilers.

    • City/State: Duluth, Minnesota
    • Federal Funding: $1,340,413
    • Project Lead: University of Minnesota Duluth
    • Partners: Barr Engineering, Big Rock Exploration, United States Steel Corporation, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

    The University of Minnesota Duluth and its partners aim to examine the construction of a hydrogen-based direct reduced iron (DRI) plant. For this Pre-FEED study, the facility will use hydrogen instead of coal or natural gas, with onsite integration of hydrogen generation by electrolysis, renewable electricity generation, and storage for hydrogen and energy. The proposed project would address technical and operational risks associated with integrating renewable energy and hydrogen production for continuous iron making at an industrial scale while defining the economically viable scale for producing renewable hydrogen-based direct reduced iron. If successful, it would provide a low-carbon, secure domestic supply of iron for the U.S. steel industry.

    • City/State: Ascension Parish, Louisiana
    • Federal Funding: $1,500,000
    • Project Lead: Avangrid Renewables
    • Partners: Methanex USA

    Avangrid Renewables and its partners aim to evaluate methanol production using green H2 integrated with Methanex's existing methanol plant. This Pre-Feed study plans to assess different configurations and optimize integration, including technical and economic aspects of (1) a new H2 production system comprising a Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) system or high-pressure alkaline electrolysis to produce over 5,600 tons H2 annually; (2) integrating wind and solar power to address intermittency and achieve a stable renewable energy supply; (3) option of energy storage or H2 storage; (4) captured CO2 sourced from Methanex process; (5) integration into an existing methanol plant with commercial-scale production. The technology may provide a replicable model for sustainable production of green hydrogen for methanol at an industrial scale. Specifically, it will assess different equipment configurations to optimize technology integration and demonstrate the proposed technology's technical, economic, and environmental viability. 

    • City/State: Champaign, Illinois
    • Federal Funding: $1,500,000
    • Project Lead: The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois
    • Partners: Ardagh Glass North America, Carbon Clean Solutions Ltd, and Terraforma

    The University of Illinois and its partners aim to evaluate using Carbon Clean Solution’s CycloneCC™ technology to capture significant amounts of flue gas CO2 at a glass manufacturing facility with geologically sequestration. The objective of this project is to complete a Pre-FEED study at Ardagh glass manufacturing facility using Carbon Clean's CycloneCC™ technology to capture the CO2 from the flue gas stream and geologically sequester it in Class VI wells. This pre-FEED study will define technology feasibility, economics, engineering requirements, and environmental and community challenges and benefits.

    • City/State: Richland, Washington
    • Federal Funding: $1,200,000
    • Project Lead: OCOchem
    • Partners: Lamb Weston, TRI-DEC, Ionada

    OCOchem and its partners seek to identify a more environmentally and economically sustainable solution to industrial decarbonization in the US for small and mid-size CO2 industrial emission sources. This Pre-Feed study's objective is to make the high carbon capture and re-use costs more affordable by integrating on-site industrial carbon capture with on-site carbon conversion to make value-added formic acid. The study includes designing a CO2 capture system for post-combustion flue gas of an existing co-located potato processing facility via hollow fiber membranes and designing the CO2 conversion system using a novel electrolysis process. The proposed technology advances membrane and electrolyzer technologies. 

    • City/State: Norfolk, Virginia
    • Federal Funding: $1,498,218
    • Project Lead: Roanoke Cement Company
    • Partners: Virginia Tech, Amazon, Leilac US Inc.

    In this Pre-FEED study, Roanoke Cement Company and its partners seek to develop the application of Leilac’s indirectly heated calcination technology to directly capture CO2 from cement scope one emissions at high CO2 purity, simplifying post-capture equipment requirements. The technical approach advances Leilac beyond state-of-the-art technologies by (1) compatibility with low carbon fuels and electrification; (2) modular design and staged integration facilitate retrofit integration with minimal operational downtime; (3) flexibility of layout, footprint, and system height ensure scalability and replicability to a broad range of plants. The technology integration includes analysis for effective retrofit and full-scale integration of targeted carbon capture technology with host cement plant operations to demonstrate the commercial viability of modular technology deployment. The commercialization of this technology would represent a breakthrough for the cement and lime industries, demonstrating a pathway to cost-effective emissions reduction.

    • City/State: St. Louis, Missouri
    • Federal Funding: $1,500,000
    • Project Lead: Mississippi Lime Company
    • Partners: Industrial Ally; Nuada, LTD

    Mississippi Lime Company and its partners seek to demonstrate the technical and commercial viability of integrating, implementing, and operating a net-zero lime manufacturing system. The approach centers on a structured, phased methodology using Leilac's unique, indirectly heated calcination technology combined with alternative fuels, waste heat recovery, dust screening, waste product integration (lime fines), and Nuada's advanced carbon capture system for combustion emissions. The technology has the potential to enhance energy efficiency, reduce overall energy consumption, and lower the carbon footprint of the production process while improving local air quality.

    • City/State: Jacksonville, Florida
    • Federal Funding: $1,500,000
    • Project Lead: Rayonier Advanced Materials Inc
    • Partners: Georgia Institute of Technology

    This pre-FEED study will define technology feasibility, economics, engineering requirements, and environmental and community challenges and benefits. The project proposes to integrate multiple technologies including utilization of excess energy and biogenic CO2 generated from the processing of sustainably sourced forest biomass. The project will work with stakeholders in the value chain to ensure robust analysis and reduction in direct carbon emissions compared to traditional jet fuel