Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Office

Piping inside a factory


The Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Office (IEDO) invests in research, development, pilot-scale demonstrations, and technical assistance and workforce development to increase competitiveness of the U.S. industrial base in global markets.

IEDO is a suboffice within the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. U.S. industrial sector contributes $4.8 trillion to the economy and enables 21 million American jobs. IEDO accelerates innovation to grow the industrial sector and enhance the resiliency and competitiveness of American supply chains for critical products and commodities like steel, cement, and concrete.

Industrial Efficiency Basics

Research Areas

Collaboration on Industrial Technologies

Two Industrial workers in protective gear


IEDO collaborates with other DOE offices to invest in transformative industrial technologies at each stage of the innovation pipeline to help manufacturers and businesses reduce their energy demand and improve American productivity and competitiveness.

IEDO Project Map.JPG

IEDO Project Map

IEDO supports projects in industrial efficiency and decarbonization. Learn more about ongoing and past projects.

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Trillium employees and directors at their pilot plant

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Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Office

Office of the Assistant Secretary

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

Mail Stop EE-1
Department of Energy

Washington, DC 20585

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