Energy Department Launches Industrial Technology Validation Pilot for Emerging Advanced Manufacturing Technologies

Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced the launch of the Industrial Technology Validation (ITV) pilot to validate and accelerate...

Industrial Efficiency & Decarbonization Office

October 29, 2020
minute read time

Energy Department Launches Industrial Technology Validation Pilot for Emerging Advanced Manufacturing Technologies

Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced the launch of the Industrial Technology Validation (ITV) pilot to validate and accelerate the adoption of cost-effective, emerging technologies with the potential to generate significant operational efficiency improvements for the U.S. industrial sector and water and wastewater treatment facilities.

“Under the Better Buildings Initiative, DOE is proud to partner with industry in support of American energy competitiveness,” said Deputy Secretary of Energy Mark W. Menezes. “Participants are teaming with innovative technology vendors to realize significant energy savings for American businesses and consumers.”

Manufacturing competitiveness is a top priority for the Trump Administration. In 2018, the White House identified advanced manufacturing as one of the vital industries of the future. In its report, “Strategy for American Leadership in Advanced Manufacturing,” the White House explained, “Federal agencies play key roles in fostering the growth of advanced manufacturing through investments in research and development and in education and workforce development.”

“As we look toward the future, we recognize that energy efficiency is a key driver of American industrial competitiveness,” said Daniel Simmons, Assistant Secretary of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. “Through this pilot, DOE is working to field validate promising new technologies that will improve efficiency and bolster the American industrial base for many decades to come.”

U.S. industry accounts for 32 percent[1] of the country’s total energy consumption, and incurs an annual energy bill of approximately $200 billion.[2] Emerging, efficient technologies can help to address these costs, but the risks involved in installing and objectively validating performance in high-stakes industrial environments can impede adoption.

Through this Request for Proposals (RFP), DOE will provide technical support to Better Plants partners interested in installing emerging technology solutions that:

  • Are either pre-commercial or early commercial, or demonstrate an existing commercialized technology for a new application or sector;
  • Have the potential for demonstrable energy, water, or waste-to-landfill reduction; and,
  • Are broadly applicable for wide-scale deployment, but are not yet widely used or accepted.

For each selected technology, a team of experts led by DOE’s Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory will design a measurement and verification plan, conduct on-site data collection and testing at the Better Plants partner’s host site, analyze performance, and draft a field validation report. Results will be shared publicly for the benefit of industrial facilities nationwide.

Applications for the initial phase of the ITV pilot are limited to Better Plants partners and a technology partner of their choice. Technologies with the potential for widespread impact will be prioritized during selection. Additional factors to be considered include innovation, performance, cost savings, technical risk, and the level of effort required for measurement and verification. Technologies must be installed at a Better Plants partner’s facility.

For additional information, read the RFP. Applications will be evaluated and decisions will be made on a rolling basis.

Funded by AMO within the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, the Better Plants program partners with leading manufacturers and water utilities to improve energy efficiency and competitiveness in the industrial sector, saving money in the process. Through Better Plants, partners voluntarily set a specific goal, typically to reduce energy intensity by 25% over a 10-year period across all their U.S. operations. Learn more about Better Plants.


[1] “Energy Use in Industry,” U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2020.

[2] “Annual Energy Outlook 2015,” U.S. Energy Information Administration,

  • Advanced Manufacturing Processes
  • American Manufacturing
  • Buildings and Industry
  • Commercial Implementation
  • Energy Efficiency