Improving the efficiency of energy-intensive processes at manufacturing facilities is a fundamental step on the path to industrial decarbonization. To gain industry insight, DOE recently released a Request for Information (RFI) to identify the challenges
Industrial Efficiency & Decarbonization Office
July 6, 2021- AMO Seeks Input on Industry Uptake of Energy Management Systems that Use Smart Manufacturing Technologies
- DOE Announces Request for Proposals on Improving Productivity and Efficiency of Manufacturing Sector
- AMO Awards $2.8 Million to Support American Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs
- AMO Selects 22 Innovators to Transform Ideas into Revolutionary Technology
- Broadening Diversity and Inclusion in AMO
- APPLY TODAY: Energy Management Leadership Awards for ISO 50001-Certified Facilities
- REPORT: The Future of Water Infrastructure and Innovation Summit
- REPORT: Basic Research Needs Workshop for Transformative Manufacturing
AMO Seeks Input on Industry Uptake of Energy Management Systems that Use Smart Manufacturing Technologies
Improving the efficiency of energy-intensive processes at manufacturing facilities is a fundamental step on the path to industrial decarbonization. To gain industry insight, DOE recently released a Request for Information (RFI) to identify the challenges and opportunities posed by the widespread implementation of energy-management systems that use smart manufacturing technologies. Responses to this RFI will inform DOE’s research and development portfolio for materials and manufacturing process technologies that support energy savings and cost reduction goals. Responses are due no later than 5:00 p.m. ET on July 30, 2021. View the full RFI and submission guidelines here.
DOE Announces Request for Proposals on Improving Productivity and Efficiency of Manufacturing Sector
DOE, in partnership with the Clean Energy Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute (CESMII), announced a $4.8 million request for proposals (RFP) to develop emerging technologies for the manufacturing sector, including advanced sensors, cloud-based computing, advanced modeling and simulation, and artificial intelligence. The RFP also solicits ideas for college and university outreach and training strategies that will expand and diversify the clean-manufacturing workforce. Proposal submissions are due by August 3, 2021. View the request for proposals here.
AMO Awards $2.8 Million to Support American Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs
Through DOE’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program, AMO will award $2.8 million for small business projects that spur research, development, and adoption of energy-related advanced manufacturing technologies and practices. Selected topic areas include advanced manufacturing, polymers upcycling and recycling, advanced building construction technologies, and Conductivity-enhanced materials for Affordable, Breakthrough Leapfrog Electric and Thermal Applications (CABLE) Materials and Applications. Learn more.
AMO Selects 22 Innovators to Transform Ideas into Revolutionary Technology
AMO recently announced the latest cohorts in its Lab-Embedded Entrepreneurship Program. The 22 selected innovators will join an extensive network of mentors and experts at U.S. national laboratories to develop the next-generation technologies that will help pave the way to a clean-energy future. Learn more about the 2021 cohorts.
Broadening Diversity and Inclusion in AMO
AMO aims to achieve global leadership in advanced manufacturing by recognizing diversity and inclusion as sources of strength to be leveraged and encouraged as we build science and technology communities and partnerships. Recently, representatives from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) met with the AMO and the Bioenergy Technologies Office to learn more about each office’s programs, collaborations and career opportunities. Presentations and a video recording of the program are now available. For more information about our diversity effort, contact us at [email protected].
APPLY TODAY: Energy Management Leadership Awards for ISO 50001-Certified Facilities
Companies around the world use the ISO 50001 standard to achieve energy, economic, and sustainability benefits that boost competitiveness. To highlight ISO 50001-certified energy management systems and the many benefits they provide, the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) Energy Management Leadership Awards program is now accepting submissions for the 2021 competition. Any facility or organization holding a current ISO 50001 certificate is encouraged to enter. Entries are due on August 16, 2021. Visit the CEM website to learn more.
DOE's 50001 Ready and Superior Energy Performance 50001 (SEP 50001) programs provide guidance, tools, protocols, and recognition to help facilities implement energy management systems and attain deeper, more sustained savings from ISO 50001.
REPORT: The Future of Water Infrastructure and Innovation Summit
In October 2020, AMO convened experts and practitioners across the water and wastewater sectors to (1) develop a vision for the future of the domestic water and wastewater infrastructure, and (2) identify the necessary technology and innovation advances needed to meet this vision. The organizers gathered information from a diverse group of relevant water and wastewater stakeholders. The Future of Water Infrastructure and Innovation Summit Report summarizes the proceedings and discussions of the workshop. Download the report here.
REPORT: Basic Research Needs Workshop for Transformative Manufacturing
In March 2020, DOE’s Basic Energy Sciences program hosted the Basic Research Needs Workshop for Transformative Manufacturing. The goal of the workshop was to identify the basic science priority research directions (PRDs) that could accelerate innovation to transform manufacturing in the future. Learn more and download the workshop report here.