Geothermal Technologies Office Open Funding Opportunities

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Geothermal Technologies Office (GTO) partners with industry, academia, and research facilities to further the development of geothermal energy technologies through funding and support of geothermal projects. Competitive solicitations issued as Notices of Technical Assistance (NOFOs) are the principal mechanism used to contract for cost-shared research, development, and demonstration projects. Other types of funding announcements include Prizes and Competitions, Small Business Innovation Research and Small Business Technology Transfer Programs, and a variety of community-focused opportunities

Current geothermal-related funding opportunities are listed below. Although GTO maintains current information on these solicitations, the official source for funding information is the EERE Funding Opportunity Exchange, also called the EERE Exchange.

All potential applicants and reviewers need to have a account to access EERE Exchange and apply to open opportunities. For more information, please read the Multi-Factor Authentication Quick Guide.

To receive notice of new GTO funding opportunities, sign up for GTO office updates and subscribe to our monthly newsletter, The Drill Down, which also includes information on other DOE funding opportunities.


SBIR and STTR Programs

U.S. Department of Energy | Office of SBIT/STTR Programs | SBIR STTR America's Seed Fund

The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Programs help small businesses conduct research and development (R&D) by providing competitively selected grants for projects that have the potential for commercialization and meet specific DOE mission-specific R&D needs. Specific research topics are selected through the DOE SBIR/STTR Programs Office working collaboratively with DOE's program offices.

DOE SBIR/STTR offers more than 60 technical topics and 250 subtopics, spanning multiple research areas. To learn more, visit the Office of Science's SBIR Funding Opportunities page and open the Topic Areas or FOA documents listed on the tables’ “Document” rows. 


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Open Opportunities

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Regional Partnerships to Support Geothermal Data Collection

The Informational Webinar and Objective Strategic Session, initially planned for January 27, 2025, has been postponed to a future, yet to be determined date. We will be back in touch with additional details as soon as possible. To view the announcement, visit the ConnectWerx web page. Concept papers are due February 24, 2025 and full applications are due April 22, 2025. 

OTT | Office of Technology Transitions
Fiscal Year 2025 Technology Commercialization Fund Base Core Laboratory Infrastructure for Market Readiness (CLIMR) Lab Call (DE-LC-000L124)

View the announcement for more information. Concept papers are due December 12, 2024, and full applications are due March 11, 2025.



Partnerships to Accelerate Training & Hiring for Geothermal Heat Pumps (GHP PATHs) Prize

View the announcement or follow on HeroX for more information. Submissions are due on February 12, 2025.

Closed Opportunities 

NameOpen DateClose DateFunding Number
Geothermal Collegiate Competition 2024Aug. 12, 2024Oct. 7, 2024N/A
Connected Communities 2.0Jul. 22, 2024Oct. 11, 2024DE-FOA-0003136
Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) Pilot Demonstrations (Round 2)Jun. 25, 2024Sept. 25, 2024DE-FOA-0002826
Geothermal Resources’ Value in Implementing Decarbonization (GRID)Jun. 12, 2024Sept. 9, 2024DE-FOA-0003346
Critical Materials Laboratory CallApr. 18, 2024May 31, 2024N/A
SBIR/STTR Phase 2 Release 2Feb. 26, 2024Apr. 30, 2024DE-FOA-0003279
Combined Wellbore Construction High Temperature Tools and Reservoir Thermal Energy Storage (RTES)Jan. 30, 2024Apr. 1, 2024DE-FOA-0003296
SBIR/STTR Phase 1 Release 2Jan. 18, 2024Mar. 12, 2024DE-FOA-0003202
Geothermal Collegiate Competition 2023Aug. 1, 2023Oct. 4, 2023N/A
EnergyTech University Prize 2024Jul. 2, 2023Feb. 2, 2024N/A
Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) Pilot Demonstrations (Round 1)Feb. 8, 2023Jun. 16, 2023DE-FOA-0002826
FY22 AMMTO-GTO Joint FOA: Lithium Extraction and Conversion from Geothermal BrinesNov. 9, 2022Jan. 31, 2023DE‐FOA‐0002823
FORGE Solicitation for EGSAug. 15, 2022Jan. 10, 2023N/A
Geothermal energy from Oil and Gas Demonstrated Engineering (GEODE)Jul. 28, 2022Oct. 28, 2022DE-FOA-0002776
EnergyTech University Prize 2023May 10, 2022Jan. 26, 2023N/A
Community Geothermal Heating and Cooling Design and Deployment Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA)May 3, 2022Oct. 11, 2022DE-FOA-0002632
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL)-2022 Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) Pilot Demonstrations Request for InformationApr. 19, 2022May 13, 2022DE-FOA-0002749
Geothermal Geophone PrizeApr. 18, 2022Feb. 1, 2024N/A
Geothermal Drilling Technology Demonstration Campaign Funding Opportunity AnnouncementFeb. 4, 2022Jun. 3, 2022DE-FOA-0002656
FY 2022 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Funding OpportunitiesDec. 13, 2021Feb. 22, 2022DE-FOA-0002555
Direct Air Capture Combined with Dedicated Long-Term Carbon Storage, Coupled to Existing Low-Carbon EnergyOct. 26, 2021Dec. 22, 2021DE-FOA-0002560
Geothermal Collegiate Competition – Class of 2022 (Winners were announced in May 2022)Jun. 16, 2021Nov. 18, 2021N/A
Wells of Opportunity (WOO): Amplify II and ReamplifyJun. 10, 2021Aug. 16, 2021DE-FOA-0002525
Innovative Methods to Control Hydraulic Properties of Enhanced Geothermal SystemsApr. 30, 2021Jun. 15, 2021DE-FOA-0002498
Opportunities to Improve Geothermal Technology Cost and Performance ModelingApril 28, 2021May 28, 2021DE-FOA-0002524
Wells of Opportunity (WOO): Pilot and AmplifyFeb. 4, 2020Apr. 24, 2020DE-FOA-0002227
Hydrothermal and Low Temperature Geothermal ResearchFeb. 4, 2020May 4, 2020DE-FOA-0002219
American-Made Challenge: Geothermal Manufacturing PrizeJan. 29, 2020Aug. 29, 2022N/A
Subsurface Stress and Loss Circulation in Geothermal DrillingMar. 28, 2019Jun. 7, 2019DE-FOA-0002083
Call for Proposals to Advance Geothermal Research and DevelopmentJan. 3, 2019Jan. 31, 2020N/A
Machine Learning for Geothermal EnergyJul. 19, 2018Nov. 13, 2018DE-FOA-0001956
Zonal Isolation for Manmade Geothermal ReservoirsJun. 25, 2018Jul. 25, 2018DE-FOA-0001945
Efficient Drilling for Geothermal Energy (EDGE)Apr. 23, 2018Jul. 16, 2018DE-FOA-0001880
Deep Direct-Use Feasibility StudiesNov. 15, 2016Feb. 22, 2017DE-FOA-0001601
Mineral Recovery Phase II: Geothermal Concepts and Approaches to Validate Extraction TechnologiesDec. 1, 2015Feb. 29, 2016DE-FOA-0001376
Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy (FORGE)Jul. 17, 2014Nov. 12, 2014DE-FOA-0000890
Integrated Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) Research and DevelopmentFeb. 21, 2014Apr. 30, 2014DE-FOA-0000842
Low Temperature Geothermal Mineral Recovery ProgramFeb. 4, 2014May 2, 2014DE-FOA-0001016
Geothermal Play Fairway AnalysisJan. 24, 2014Apr. 11, 2014DE-FOA-0000841