Fuel Cell Technologies Office Newsletter: September 2018

The September 2018 issue of the Fuel Cell Technologies Office (FCTO) newsletter includes stories in these categories:

In the News

Join Us in Celebrating Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day on October 8

The fourth Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day will take place on October 8, 2018, and we hope you’ll join the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) in raising awareness and celebrating advances in fuel cell and hydrogen technologies. Aptly chosen to represent hydrogen’s very own atomic weight of 1.008, DOE, industry organizations, national laboratories, and state and federal government agencies will be commemorating Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day 2018 with a variety of communications activities and outreach events throughout the week and across the country.

Energy Department Announces Selections for First Round Solicitation under the High Performance Computing for Materials Program

This week DOE announced $1.2 million in funding for four projects under the High Performance Computing for Materials (HPC4Mtls) Program, including two projects supported by the FCTO. This program aims to utilize the high performance computing (HPC) of DOE's national laboratories to help industry develop new or improved materials that can withstand extreme conditions. Under HPC4Mtls, selected projects will have access to the labs' HPC facilities, as well as the labs' expertise in modeling, simulation, and data analysis. Read the full story to learn more about the selections.

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Funding Opportunities and Requests for Information

Energy Department Releases Request for Information on Multi-Sector Uses of Hydrogen

At last month's H2@ Scale project kickoff meeting in Chicago, EERE's Deputy Assistant Secretary for Transportation, Steven Chalk, announced the release of a request for information (RFI) soliciting stakeholder feedback on opportunities to enable high volume production and multi-sector use of hydrogen. The objective of this RFI is to assess the domestic resources compatible with large-scale hydrogen production, as well as to identify pathways to effectively leverage these resources for near- and long-term use in major industries. Responses to this RFI will provide DOE insight into the technical and economic barriers associated with these production pathways and end-uses to help establish a more focused and relevant H2@ Scale research portfolio. Responses are due October 31, 2018, at 5 p.m. Eastern Time.

Updates and future RFI and funding opportunity announcements will be posted on FCTO's funding opportunities website.

Webinars and Workshops

Upcoming Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day Webinar: DOE Loan Programs Office Opportunities

On Wednesday, October 10, at 12 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), as part of the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE’s) celebration of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day 2018, the Fuel Cell Technologies Office and DOE Loan Programs Office will present an educational webinar titled "Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day Webinar: DOE Loan Programs Office Opportunities." The webinar will provide an overview of the Loan Programs Office’s (LPO’s) mission as a strategic partner in empowering innovation in the energy sector. Topics will include LPO’s nationwide portfolio of project investment, eligibility for Title XVII clean energy projects, and an overview of their application process. In addition, LPO will specifically highlight how the hydrogen and fuel cell community can leverage their offices' resources in the future. Register for the webinar.

Webinar September 26: ElectroCat Consortium: Advancing PGM-Free Electrocatalysts for Next-Generation Fuel Cells

FCTO held a public webinar titled "ElectroCat Consortium: Advancing PGM-Free Electrocatalysts for Next-Generation Fuel Cells" on September 26. During this webinar, representatives from ElectroCat's core laboratories talked about how the Consortium is increasing U.S. competitiveness in manufacturing fuel cell electric vehicles and other fuel cell energy conversion devices. ElectroCat is addressing barriers to widescale implementation of fuel cell technologies by accelerating the development and deployment of platinum group metal-free (PGM-free) electrocatalysts in fuel cells. The webinar covered the Consortium’s systematic approach to potential catalysts, computational work at the national labs, and data sharing with industry and academia partners. See slides of the webinar (recording coming soon).

Visit our website to see webinar archives or workshop presentations.

Studies, Reports, and Publications

Updated Hydrogen R&D Cost Target Record Posted

FCTO has posted program record #18004, Hydrogen R&D Cost Target Calculation—2018 Update. DOE establishes and periodically revises a hydrogen fuel cost target to guide and prioritize research and development for the Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program. The ultimate hydrogen R&D cost target is set at $4/gge (gallon of gasoline equivalent, approximately equal to 1 kg of hydrogen on a lower heating value basis), untaxed and dispensed at the pump; a 2025 cost target is set at $7/gge (targets expressed in 2016$). This record documents the methodology and assumptions used to calculate the hydrogen cost targets.

Visit our website to access technical information about hydrogen and fuel cells. This information is provided in documents such as technical and project reports, conference proceedings and journal articles, technical presentations, and links to other websites.