Learn about Fuel Cell Technologies Office webinars held in 2018 through the descriptions and linked materials below. Also view webinar archives from other years.
Webinars presented in 2018:
- Hydrogen Carriers for Bulk Storage and Transport of Hydrogen
- The Science Behind Liquid Hydrogen Fueling Station Footprint Reduction
- Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day Webinar: DOE Loan Programs Office Opportunities
- ElectroCat Consortium: Advancing PGM-Free Electrocatalysts for Next-Generation Fuel Cells
- Development of Real-Time Characterization Tools and Associated Efforts to Assist Membrane Electrode Assembly Manufacturing Scale-Up
- Thermodynamic and Economic Modeling of Boil-Off Losses in Liquid Hydrogen Handling Processes
- Fuel Cell Electric Buses: Progress toward Meeting Technical Targets
- ElectroCat Lab Consortium Overview
- 2018 Cost Projections of PEM Fuel Cell Systems for Automobiles and Medium-Duty Vehicles
- Electrospinning Fuel Cell Electrodes to Improve Activity and Durability
- Techno-Economic Tools to Simulate the Costs of Hydrogen Infrastructure Technologies
Hydrogen Carriers for Bulk Storage and Transport of Hydrogen
December 6, 2018
Researchers at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) presented on the potential of hydrogen carriers as a technology to address the challenges with the bulk storage and transport of hydrogen, outlined R&D needs for hydrogen carriers, and described research efforts underway at the Hydrogen Materials Advanced Research Consortium and ANL to evaluate new concepts and baseline materials.
The Science Behind Liquid Hydrogen Fueling Station Footprint Reduction
November 27, 2018
Researchers at DOE's Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) discussed research that can help enable the reduction of the footprint of liquid hydrogen fueling stations. They also presented various methods used to validate the results of cryogenic hydrogen modeling and described the challenges and development status of a novel diagnostic tool that can enable the characterization of how large amounts of hydrogen disperse throughout the environment. Lastly, SNL provided a summary of the required separation distances in the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 2 Hydrogen Technologies Code and a review of how scientific analyses led to a reduction in the bulk gaseous storage separation distances.
Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day Webinar: DOE Loan Programs Office Opportunities
October 10, 2018
This webinar provided an overview of the Loan Programs Office's (LPO's) mission as a strategic partner in empowering innovation in the energy sector. Topics included LPO's nationwide portfolio of project investment, eligibility for Title XVII clean energy projects, and an overview of their application process. In addition, LPO specifically highlighted how the hydrogen and fuel cell community can leverage their office's resources in the future.
September 26, 2018
In this webinar, representatives from ElectroCat's core laboratories talked about how the Consortium is increasing U.S. competitiveness in manufacturing fuel cell electric vehicles and other fuel cell energy conversion devices. ElectroCat is addressing barriers to widescale implementation of fuel cell technologies by accelerating the development and deployment of platinum group metal-free (PGM-free) electrocatalysts in fuel cells. The webinar covered the Consortium's systematic approach to potential catalysts, computational work at the national labs, and data sharing with industry and academia partners.
Development of Real-Time Characterization Tools and Associated Efforts to Assist Membrane Electrode Assembly Manufacturing Scale-Up
August 22, 2018
In this webinar, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory presented present an overview of early-stage research and development related to manufacturing of fuel cell membrane electrode assembly (MEA) materials. Topics included: (1) an overview of the manufacturing context and challenges for MEA materials, (2) a detailed presentation of work to develop real-time in-line characterization techniques, (3) an overview of specialized in situ diagnostics, and (4) an overview of efforts to understand the foundational relationships between electrode materials (inks and coated layers), processing methods, and performance.
Thermodynamic and Economic Modeling of Boil-Off Losses in Liquid Hydrogen Handling Processes
June 26, 2018
In this webinar, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory presented findings from a comprehensive early-stage research and development (R&D) analysis of liquid hydrogen boil-off in a variety of scenarios. Topics included: (1) early-stage R&D to develop a thermodynamic model that simulates liquid hydrogen transfers, accounting for real gas equation of states and two-phase behavior, (2) an analysis of current liquid hydrogen handling practices and requirements, (3) collection of data on boil-off rates at a fueling facility, and (4) predictions of boil-off losses for given station designs and capacities.
Fuel Cell Electric Buses: Progress toward Meeting Technical Targets
May 17, 2018
This webinar discussed the progress made toward meeting technical targets to measure the progress toward commercialization of fuel cell electric buses. Targets include performance metrics such as fuel cell hour accumulation, fuel economy, availability, and reliability. Cost targets include capital, major components, and maintenance.
ElectroCat Lab Consortium Overview
April 30, 2018
This webinar provided an overview of the ElectroCatalysis (ElectroCat) Consortium and the funding opportunity announcement topic soliciting proposals for platinum group metal-free catalyst layers and electrodes.
2018 Cost Projections of PEM Fuel Cell Systems for Automobiles and Medium-Duty Vehicles
April 25, 2018
This webinar discussed the recently updated polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell system cost projections for 80 kW automobiles and 160 kW trucks. The webinar reported cost projections for system production rates from 1,000/year up to 500,000/year at three levels of component technology, system configuration, and performance: current (2018), near-term future (2020), and future (2025).
Electrospinning Fuel Cell Electrodes to Improve Activity and Durability
March 28, 2018
This webinar provided an introduction to electrospinning techniques and explained how a DOE-funded electrospinning project is helping improve electrode and membrane activity and durability. The webinar covered the project's approach to fabricating membrane electrode assemblies with nanofibers via electrospinning and provide an update on results, technical barriers, and accomplishments.
Techno-Economic Tools to Simulate the Costs of Hydrogen Infrastructure Technologies
February 27, 2018
In this webinar, Argonne National Laboratory discussed how their publicly available models, Hydrogen Delivery Scenario Analysis Model (HDSAM) and Heavy-Duty Refueling Station Analysis Model (HDRSAM), can be used to simulate the costs of hydrogen delivery and dispensing into fuel cell vehicles.