
Communications Standards Updates: Publications

EERE maintains standards for any publications produced by the office or its tech offices.

Communication Standards and Guidelines

October 3, 2024
minute read time

Notifications about changes made to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy's (EERE's) communications standards are posted regularly, highlighting the latest updates to the EERE Communications Standards and Guidelines website and important pages to note.

Today, we're taking a look at standards for DOE and EERE publications, including any produced by its tech offices. Publications are more than just branded reports; they can include templates and physical media, such as posters or exhibits.

Executive Secretariat Process

As part of the publication approval process, identify at the beginning stages of your publication what level of review is required for your document. DOE technical reports are required to go through the Executive Secretariat process

Document Management. The Executive Secretariat receives, controls, and tracks correspondence and other written and electronic documents, including classified material. These documents are either addressed to the Secretary, Deputy Secretary, Under Secretaries, or members of the Office of the Secretary staff, or they are sent to the Department from the White House, the Congress, and Tribal leaders. In addition, The Executive Secretariat sets standards for document preparation through its Correspondence Guide. Information and guidance on the standards for document preparation, document handling and concurrence (or Collaborative Action Process [CAP]), are available to Departmental personnel under the Executive Secretariat on the Department’s Powerpedia, available to DOENet users only. 

EERE internal users should review the Executive Secretariat FAQs document on i2 for more information about what products require this level of review.

Publications Requirements

EERE-branded publications, regardless if they are printed or digital, should meet the following requirements. All publications should:


If you have questions about EERE publications, contact the EERE Products and Branding Team.

If you have any questions or suggestions related to communications standards, please email the EERE Comms Standards Team.

Communication Standards Updates

  • DOE Notices and Rules
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Clean Energy
  • Federal Energy Management Laws & Requirements
  • Building Energy Codes