Reduced-Cost Heat Pump Space- and Water-Heating in Cold Climates

Lead Performer: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – Berkeley, CA


June 20, 2023
minute read time

Lead Performer: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – Berkeley, CA
-- Harvey Mudd College
-- Oak Ridge National Laboratory
-- Gas Technology Institute
-- TRC Energy Services
-- Delagah
-- Emanant Systems
DOE Total Funding: $3,000,000
Cost Share: $1,078,000
Project Term: October 1, 2022 – October 1, 2025
Funding Type: Lab Award

Project Objective

This project will develop, model, fabricate, and test different designs for combi heat pumps (HP) with phase change material thermal energy storage (PCM TES) designed to provide both space- and water-heating. The technology offers a strategic pathway to reduce first cost, reduce energy cost, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and improve demand flexibility for decarbonization of multifamily buildings in cold climates. Compared to the current state-of-the-art approach for decarbonization in this market sector (mini-splits and heat pump water heaters) the proposed technology can be more compact, consolidate multiple separate systems, reduce refrigerant GHG emissions, reduce electric circuit ampacity, increase electric demand shifting, avoid auxiliary electric resistance, satisfy space- and water-heating loads in climates with colder heating design temperatures, avoid the need for electric distribution system upgrades, and streamline retrofit installation across a diversity of multifamily building archetypes.

The primary objectives of this research:

  1. Develop a combi HP with PCM TES system for multifamily buildings suited for -5 to -15°F heating design conditions.
  2. Utilize refrigerants with GWP < 750.
  3. Reduce HP capacity by 40% compared to a baseline HP and HPWH.
  4. Demonstrate the ability to reduce HVAC energy consumption during periods with high electricity prices, or high marginal GHG emission rates, by at least 40%.
  5. Achieve an anticipated mature cost for PCM TES of 50% below current costs.

Project Impact

This technology development will be driven by market assessment, and will provide a strategic pathway to: (1) reduce costs for decarbonization of buildings in cold climates and (2) achieve load shaping needed to maintain a stable, clean utility grid.


DOE Technology Manager: Payam Delgoshaei
Lead Performer: Peter Grant

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