Peer Review 2015


The Bioenergy Technologies Office (BETO) held the 2015 Project Peer Review on March 23–27, 2015, at the Hilton Mark Center, in Alexandria, Virginia. Approximately 185 projects in BETO’s research, development, and demonstration portfolio were presented to the public and systematically reviewed by external subject-matter experts from industry, academia, and federal agencies. The 2015 Peer Review included six simultaneous review sessions of projects within the seven technology areas highlighted below:

  1. Algal Feedstocks
  2. Terrestrial Feedstocks
  3. Biochemical Conversion
  4. Thermochemical Conversion
  5. Demonstration and Market Transformation
  6. Sustainability and Strategic Analysis
  7. Cookstoves

Peer Review Meeting Materials


The full agenda is available for review and download on the 2015 Project Peer Review Program Booklet Web page.


Presentations for the 2015 Project Peer Review can be found under the applicable technology areas below

  1. Plenaries
  2. Algal Feedstocks
  3. Terrestrial Feedstocks
  4. Biochemical Conversion
  5. Thermochemical Conversion
  6. Demonstration and Market Transformation
  7. Sustainability and Strategic Analysis
  8. Cookstoves


BETO's 2015 Program Management Review was held on June 25, 2015, at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. During this event, lead reviewers and members of the external steering committee for the 2015 Project Peer Review presented their feedback on BETO’s research portfolio and overall recommendations for the Office.

  1. BETO Strategic Planning – EERE Goals and New Initiatives
    1. Valerie Reed, Deputy Director
  2. BETO Active Project Management – AOPs and FOA Planning
    1. Liz Moore, Technology Manager    
  3. BETO Partnerships – Inter/Intra Agency Collaboration and DPA 
    1. Alicia Lindauer, Technology Manager for Strategic Analysis
    2. Zia Haq, Chief Analyst 
  4. Steering Committee – Crosscutting Recommendations  
    1. Jim Dooley, Forest Concepts, LLC                                                             
  5. BETO Response and Closing
    1. Jonathan Male, Director