MEASUR is a suite that includes a set of key software platforms and more than 70 calculators that the U.S. Department of Energy's former Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO) developed over the preceding decades. Altogether, these tools can help manufacturers improve industrial system efficiency and identify potential savings opportunities.
The software platforms in MEASUR are major updates to the system assessment tools developed by AMO in the 1990s. The new tools are more user-friendly and compatible with newer operating systems. By combining the system assessment tools with calculators in one platform, MEASUR allows for an increased level of interoperability between different tools. MEASUR is free to use and accessible in an open-source environment.
Tool Summary
MEASUR's software tools include industrial system assessment tools capable of performing investment grade energy analysis alongside simple equipment and property calculators. Both the system assessment tools and the simple calculators can be used as stand-alone tools for more focused analysis.
Pumping System Assessments: This portion of MEASUR includes tools such as the Pump System Assessment Tool (PSAT) and related calculators. MEASUR's pumping system tool helps evaluate the potential energy savings opportunities of pumping systems based on field-measured data. The tool enables users to save and retrieve log files, default values, and system curves for sharing analyses with other users. They are intended to help industrial users assess different system modifications to determine which would be the most energetically beneficial. They test "what-if" scenarios for various options to reduce energy use. This portion of MEASUR includes legacy tools developed by AMO over the preceding decades, including PSAT.
Process Heating Assessments: This portion of MEASUR includes tools such as the Process Heating Assessment and Survey Tool (PHAST) and related calculators. This tool introduces methods to improve thermal and electrical efficiency of process heating equipment. Industrial users can survey process heating equipment consuming fuel or electricity, and identify the most energy-intensive equipment. This tool can be used to perform a heat balance that identifies major areas of energy use under various operating conditions and test "what-if" scenarios for various options to reduce energy use. This portion of MEASUR includes legacy tools developed by AMO over the preceding decades, including PHAST.
Fan System Assessments: This portion of MEASUR includes tools such as the Fan System Assessment Tool (FSAT) and related calculators. This tool helps users identify and evaluate the potential energy savings opportunities in fan systems. Industrial users can assess various system modifications to determine optimal system configurations and allows users to test customized "what-if" operating scenarios to minimize energy consumption. Alternatively, users can utilize the automatic optimizer functionality which is built upon published fan efficiency data and motor performance data. This portion of MEASUR includes legacy tools developed by AMO over the preceding decades, including FSAT.
Steam System Assessments: This portion of MEASUR includes tools such as the SSAT/SSMT and related calculators. This tool helps users identify and evaluate the potential energy savings opportunities in steam systems. Industrial users can better understand the current operating conditions of the components of a steam system, including boilers, turbines and flash tanks. The tool helps estimate the various steam flows throughout the system and test "what-if" scenarios for various opportunities to reduce energy use. This portion of MEASUR includes legacy tools developed by AMO over the preceding decades, including SSAT/SSMT.
Compressed Air Assessments: This portion of MEASUR includes tools such as AirMaster+ and related calculators. MEASUR includes a series of tools that help users analyze energy use and savings opportunities in industrial compressed air systems. They can baseline existing and model future system operations improvements, and evaluate energy and dollar savings from many energy efficiency measures. This portion of MEASUR includes legacy tools developed by AMO over the preceding decades, including the AirMaster+.
Energy Treasure Hunt Module: MEASUR's Treasure Hunt is a collection of calculators that can be used in an energy Treasure Hunt or Energy Sweep type event. It pairs with the DOE Better Plants Treasure Hunt Toolkit. This tool helps industrial users quantify savings for low/no cost energy opportunities such as turning off unused equipment, reducing compressed air pressure, upgrading lighting fixtures, and many more. There are calculators relating to motors (replacing vs rewinding, upgrading motor drive), electricity use (modifying electricity use, upgrading lighting), compressed air, natural gas, steam and water/wastewater. The tool helps users organize the opportunities found during the event in their "Treasure Chest", share them between users, and roll them together in a comprehensive report.
Simple Equipment and Property Calculators: The MEASUR software contains over 70 equipment and property calculators for simple energy-related calculations and analyses. These calculators can aid users in identifying, assessing, and quantifying simple energy-saving opportunities within a variety of systems, including: pump, fan, process heating, steam, motors, compressed air, and lighting systems. In addition, there are several general engineering calculators included to perform energy-related calculations and conversions.
Download or Use the Tool Online
- How to Download and Begin Using the MEASUR Tool
- Download Software From GitHub
- Use the Tool Online
- Webinar Introduction to the MEASUR Tool Platform
Release Notes
MEASUR has a built-in auto-update feature that will automatically check and notify users of recent tool updates. Users are given the option whether to upgrade to the latest version. MEASUR is accessible in an open-source environment in GitHub.
Open Source
MEASUR is accessible in an open-source environment. Those familiar with open-source software or software coding, who would like to explore and interface with this developmental process may do so by heading to the GitHub.
More Tools
Legacy Tools
The following tools have been incorporated into this MEASUR tool suite. The U.S. Department of Energy' will no longer support these legacy tools in 2025. The following webpages will be phased out, so the Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Office (IEDO) recommends you replace those bookmarks with this webpage.
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