Minute With Mike

Growing up in Unalaska, on clear days we see the light steam rising from the top of Makushin Volcano.
In this article from Laresa Syverson, the Arctic Energy Ambassador serving the Aleutian region, hear about her experience growing up in Unalaska and how her work today helps bring about energy infrastructure upgrades for her community.
Dark blue thumbnail image with a welder and nuclear reactor in background.
Clean energy is booming, according to the 2024 U.S. Energy & Employment Report. Here are five ways nuclear energy was part of that trend in 2023.
Tayor Asher, SCEP employee, kayaking by Bear glacier.
Meet Taylor Asher, project officer in the State Energy Program for the Office of State and Community Energy Programs who lives in Anchorage and grew up in Talkeetna.

Welcome to Minute with Mike! We'll be bringing you installments of conversations between Director Erin Whitney and Senior Advisor Mike McEleney on recent international engagements, history, and energy innovations in the Arctic.