SEIS Getting Involved

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  • Getting Involved with the SEIS for the West Valley Site

    Public involvement, including the submittal of comments, is important to the development of the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for the West Valley Site.

    Scoping - Ended May 25, 2018

    The public scoping period for the SEIS for the West Valley Site ran from February 21, 2018, through May 25, 2018. The purpose of scoping was to encourage public involvement and to solicit public comments on the proposed scope of the SEIS for the West Valley Site. DOE and NYSERDA invited interested parties to participate in the scoping process to help identify the range of reasonable alternatives and the environmental issues to be analyzed.

    The agencies held three public meetings in New York, on March 19 (West Valley), March 20 (Buffalo), and March 21 (Irving), 2018. Members of the public gave verbal comments at the meetings or submitted comments in writing to staff at the meetings, by U.S. Mail, or by email.

    Materials from the meeting are available on the Documents page.

    Draft SEIS

    Issuance of the Draft SEIS will be followed by a 6-month public comment period, including at least three public hearings. 

    For More Information

    For questions about the SEIS for the West Valley Site, please contact:
    Mr. Jeffrey D’Agostino
    DOE Document Manager
    West Valley Demonstration Project
    U.S. Department of Energy
    10282 Rock Springs Road, AC-DOE
    West Valley, New York 14171-9799
    Email: [email protected]

    For further information about New York State’s role, contact:
    Dr. Lee Gordon
    New York State Energy Research
    and Development Authority
    9030-B Route 219
    West Valley, New York 14171
    Email: [email protected]

    Schedule for Public Comment Submittal

    The public scoping period ended on May 25, 2018. Comments had to be provided by May 25, 2018, to ensure consideration in preparation of the Draft SEIS. DOE and NYSERDA considered all comments received by that date in preparing the Draft SEIS. The agencies considered late comments to the extent practicable.

    Public Meetings on Scoping the Draft SEIS

    DOE and NYSERDA held three public scoping meetings for the SEIS for the West Valley Site on the following dates:

    Monday, March 19, 2018West Valley Volunteer Hose Company, Inc., Firemen’s Memorial Hall and Training, 9091 Route 240, West Valley, NY 14171, in the Main Hall
    Tuesday, March 20, 2018Erie Community College, City Campus, Post Office Building, 121 Ellicott Street, Buffalo, NY 14203, in the Minnie Gillette Auditorium
    Wednesday, March 21, 2018Cattaraugus Council Chambers, 12837 Route 438, Irving, NY 14081

    Registration began at 6 p.m. DOE and NYSERDA representatives were available for informal discussions before and after the presentations. Presentations began at 7 p.m. After the presentations, attendees had 10 minutes to ask clarifying questions on the presentations. Then, there was an opportunity for the public to provide comments on the scope of the SEIS to DOE and NYSERDA representatives.

    Commenters were scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. Requests to speak at the public meeting could be made in advance, and many individuals signed up at the door to speak. Each speaker was allowed five minutes to present comments unless more time was requested and available. Comments were recorded by a court reporter and will become part of the scoping meeting record. Written comments were also accepted at the meeting. Commenters were encouraged to provide written versions of their oral comments for the record.

    The meetings were facilitated by an impartial moderator. Time was provided for meeting attendees to ask clarifying questions. Materials from the meeting are available on the Documents page.

    Draft SEIS

    DOE and NYSERDA considered comments received during the public scoping period in defining the alternatives and issues to be analyzed in detail in the Draft SEIS.

    Issuance of the Draft SEIS will be followed by a 6-month public comment period, including at least three public hearings.

    Confidentiality of Public Comments

    Before including your address, email address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, please be advised that your entire comment—including your personal identifying information (excluding telephone numbers)—may be made publicly available. If you wish for the agencies to withhold your name and/or other personally identifiable information, please state this prominently at the beginning of your comment. You may also submit comments anonymously.

    For More Information

    To submit comments, ask questions, or request to be added to the SEIS mailing list, please contact [email protected].