DOE announced approximately $15M to address adoption challenges preventing later stage commercialization, demonstration, and deployment of industrial decarbonization technologies
Office of Technology Transitions
August 13, 2024WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Technology Transitions (OTT) and the Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations (OCED), with support from the Industrial Efficiency & Decarbonization Office, and the Office of Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chains, today announced approximately $15 million in funding to address adoption challenges preventing later stage commercialization, demonstration, and deployment of industrial decarbonization technologies through the Collaborative Alignment for Critical Technology Industries – Industrial Decarbonization Lab Call. This lab call aims to bring stakeholders together to address challenges that result when entities work on similar industrial decarbonization strategies in isolation, boosting collaboration and best practices alignment in three sectors: chemicals and refining, concrete and cement, and metals.
“Inconsistencies across different stakeholders often result in slow adoption of new technologies that could dramatically reduce emissions from critical industrial sectors,” said Dr. Vanessa Z. Chan, DOE Chief Commercialization Office and Director of the Office of Technology Transitions. “This lab call is designed to overcome these barriers by uniting key stakeholders to share expertise, align on best practices, and collaborate with our National Labs to implement effective solutions industry-wide.”
This lab call offers three topics areas:
- Topic 1 - Collaborative Alignment on Decarbonization of Chemicals & Refining Industry: This topic focuses on engaging relevant stakeholders on the commercialization hurdles around the decarbonization and refining of chemicals production. Supporting the development of carbon intensity evaluation frameworks for chemical products to support green procurement efforts is of particular interest.
- Topic 2 - Collaborative Alignment on Decarbonization of Concrete and Cement Industry: This topic will work with existing cement consortia and other relevant industry groups to promote the commercialization of cement products and processes that are ready for demonstration in real-world applications. The focus of this effort will be facilitating procurement of these materials and supporting commercialization of related products.
- Topic 3 - Collaborative Alignment on Decarbonization of Metals Industry: This topic will support the commercialization and deployment of low-carbon products, processes, and feedstocks for iron, steel, steel mill products, and aluminum products. Additionally, this topic will contribute to efforts to harmonize domestic and international frameworks for carbon intensity.
Interested stakeholders and communities are invited to join the Teaming Partner List (TPL-0000002) and be part of this effort. National Laboratories must submit applications by Monday, October 14 at 3pm ET on OCED eXCHANGE (DE-LC-000L004).
The lab call is funded by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), as part of the Technology Commercialization Fund (TCF). OTT and OCED expect to make one award per topic area of approximately $5 million (not including cost-share). Funded projects will be led by DOE National Laboratories with broad stakeholder participation from public and private organizations across the industrial decarbonization industry.
DOE strongly encourages projects that bring together multiple National Laboratories to leverage diverse lab capabilities, avoid duplication of effort, and ensure the strongest possible applications are put forward.
DOE will host a webinar on Wednesday, September 4, 2024, at 3pm ET to discuss the program and areas of focus. Register for the informational webinar to learn more.
Teaming Partner List
DOE anticipates that meeting project goals will require multi-lab projects with significant industry engagement and partnership. To expedite external partnerships in support of this lab call, DOE will compile a Teaming Partner List to facilitate the formation of new project teams. The list allows organizations who may wish to participate on an application to express their interest to National Lab applicants and to explore potential partnerships.
Updates to the Teaming Partner List will be available on OCED eXCHANGE. The Teaming Partner List will be regularly updated to reflect new teaming partners who provide their organization’s information.
Any organization that would like to be included on this list should find the Teaming Partner List (TPL-0000002) for this solicitation on OCED eXCHANGE and submit basic demographic information.
Please refer to the Manuals section on eXCHANGE for more detailed instructions on using the Teaming Partner List.
Additional Information
For questions about this lab call, contact [email protected]. Learn more about the Technology Commercialization Fund. Subscribe to the OTT newsletter to stay current with the latest office news and funding programs.
About the Department of Energy Office of Technology Transitions
The Department of Energy Office of Technology Transitions (OTT) is one of the largest supporters of technology commercialization in the federal government. Founded in 2015, OTT bolsters the technology industry's market skills and enables clean energy technologies to progress through research, development, demonstration, and to deployment into the private sector to meet our nation’s climate goals. Visit us at to learn more and subscribe to receive our latest opportunities and accomplishments via email. Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.
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