
Announcing the 2020 Technology Transfer Working Group Awards!

OTT is delighted to present the winners of the 2020 Technology Transfer Working Group awards!

Office of Technology Transitions

November 9, 2020
minute read time

This October, the Technology Transfer Working Group (TTWG) issued its annual awards celebrating the professionals who help transform DOE’s work from research into reality through commercialization. The TTWG is comprised of the leading staff in technology transfer across DOE’s 17 National Laboratories, and these awards celebrate the excellent work done by those teams to streamline and improve the commercialization process. This year’s winners support American competitiveness, national security, and quality of life by tackling tough policy and partnership challenges that help usher scientific discoveries out of the lab and toward the market. Congratulations to these outstanding professionals for their dedication and service to the Department and our country!

TTWG Member of the Year

Tiffany Gossett TTWG Headshot 2

Tiffany Gossett

Tech Partnership & Business Development

Sandia National Laboratories

TTWG Best in Class Awards

IP Management

Matthew Garrett

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

IP Licensing

Bob Westervelt

Sandia National Laboratories


Genaro Mempin, Alicera Aubel, Ines Gomez, Jonathan Celniker

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Economic Development

Jon Cook

Idaho National Laboratory

Innovative Technology Transfer

Annemarie Meike

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Early Career Professional

Kelli Howie

Sandia National Laboratories

Andrew Rankin

Idaho National Laboratory

Single-purpose Labs, Plants, and Facilities

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

  • Commercial Implementation
  • Federal Interagency Collaboration and Working Groups
  • Technology and Transitions and Early Investments
  • International Award Winners
  • National Labs