SWPA Celebrates National Hydropower Day

SWPA Celebrates National Hydropower Day

Southwestern Power Administration

August 24, 2021
minute read time

Tulsa, OK – Southwestern Power Administration (Southwestern or SWPA) is celebrating National Hydropower Day today, August 24, 2021, in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the National Hydropower Association (NHA), the other Power Marketing Administrations (PMAs), and hydropower stakeholders across the country.

There are several activities planned, and Southwestern is proud to be involved directly with two of them. The first activity is the launch of a video at 10:30 am Central Prevailing Time showcasing the value of Federal hydropower to the Nation, entitled: “Federal Hydropower: The Bedrock of a Clean Energy Future.”

The video is the product of a collaboration among the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Bureau of Reclamation, the International Boundary and Water Commission, Tennessee Valley Authority, and the PMAs and was produced by Western Area Power Administration.

Video Url
Hydropower plays a critical role in the U.S. power system, as both source of clean renewable, affordable energy and as a firm, flexible resource that ensures the reliability of the grid. Department of Energy’s Power Marketing Administrations bring the power of water to the public’s front door through a network of high voltage transmission lines. Electricity produced at Federal dams plays a critical role to meeting everyday energy needs of Americans. The dams, owned by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Reclamation, International Boundary and Water Commission and Tennessee Valley Authority serve many other important roles. Federal dams have a 42-gigawatt capacity.
Western Area Power

The second activity is a panel hosted by DOE and NHA consisting of the Administrators of the PMAs, including Southwestern’s own Administrator Mike Wech, scheduled for 1:00 pm Central Prevailing Time.

The panel is designed to answer common questions about hydropower, such as what technologies are used to produce and deliver hydropower; hydropower support for the integration of other renewable resources; use of hydropower during extreme weather events; and how hydropower can help support the modernization of the Nation’s electrical grid to provide clean, secure, resilient, and reliable energy for the future.

The link to the panel is available on the DOE Office of Electricity web site at:

Southwestern Administrator Mike Wech says he is glad to be part of the nationwide celebration of hydropower.

“Southwestern is proud to participate in National Hydropower Day and honored to be asked to be part of such an illustrious panel. Hydropower can be considered to be the very first renewable energy resource, and we look forward to continuing to provide this valuable resource to support the Nation’s clean energy infrastructure for many years to come.”

August 24, 2021 - SWPA Celebrates National Hydropower Day