Media Type: Timeline

Use a timeline to showcase important dates in an interactive display.

CMS Support

August 5, 2020
minute read time

Create a Timeline to showcase important dates. 

timeline screenshot media type

How to Create a Timeline: 

  1. Select Add Timeline under the Content - Add Media option of the shortcut bar 
  2. Enter the Name for the Timeline.
  3. Optional: Enter the Short Title. A shorter version of the title for listings, blocks, or search results.
  4. Enter the Image for the Timeline. This field is generated by default by the media entity and cannot be deleted.
  5. Enter the Headline for the timeline.
  6. Enter the Body for the timeline. 
  7. Enter the Start Date for the timeline (required). Date format: Year only (2014) Full date (2014, 1, 23)
  8. Enter the End Date for the timeline. Date format: Year only (2014) Full date (2014, 1, 23)
  9. Enter the Timeline Media Remote
  10. Add media to the Timeline Media Local
  11. Add Timeline Media credits
  12. Add Tags 
  13. Add more timeline items, as necessary. 
  14. Enter taxonomy term(s) as appropriate. 
    1. (Click here for more information about taxonomy)
  15. Select the Primary Office under Office Assignments if prompted.  
  16. Optional: Edit the Revision Information, URL alias, and Authoring Information as necessary.
  17. Click save to successfully add your Interactive. 

Any Questions, Comments, or Requests?

Contact us at [email protected]