Content Type: Event

An event, with location and date info.

CMS Support

March 30, 2023
minute read time

Use the Event content type to create events to be dynamically listed in Calendar Paragraph Blocks.

event contenttype edit screen

Helpful Hint

Learn more about Calendar Paragraphs in our CMS Support Site Article on the Calendar Paragraph type. 

How to Create a New Event: 

  1. Select Add Event under the Content - Add Content option of the shortcut bar 
  2. Select the Primary Office under Office Assignments if prompted.  
  3. Enter the title of the event in the title field. 
  4. Optional: Provide a short version of the title to override in search, featured items, or dynamic Listings.
  5. Enter the Summary Text. The summary text displays as the text to provide context within a search result. 
  6. Optional: Add a Banner image. The banner image displays as background behind the Article title and date. The minimum recommended size for a banner image is 1240x600px. If no Banner image is applied, background defaults to display the dark green texture behind the title and date text.
  7. Optional: Add a Banner Color. This sets the text to either light or dark with optional light and dark gradient background.  This helps you ensure the node title contrasts with the background image for legibility and accessibility.
  8. Enter the Contact Text. The Contact information provides additional context for who to reach out to for questions. 
  9. Set the event Start Date/Time. 
  10. Set the event End Date/Time. 
  11. Select the Time Zone where the event will take place.
  12. Optional: Select the event type. You can select one or more event types to use as tags for event content by holding down shift (optional).
  13. Optional: Add More Info Link information. A URL or Link text can used to link any relevant articles or information (optional). 
  14. Optional: Add Specific Location information. The Specific Location should include details on where the event will be taking place and if in-person or virtual. 
  15. Optional: Add taxonomy term(s) as appropriate.
    1. (Click here for more information about taxonomy)
  16. Save as draft or review the node and publish if satisfied.


Any Questions, Comments, or Requests?

Contact us at [email protected]