Speakers Bureau

The SRS Speakers Bureau is designed to meet the public′s request for first-hand information on the Savannah River Site history and mission. The Speakers Bureau receives requests from stakeholders such as schools, universities, community organizations, business corporations, and non-profit organizations.

Employees from all disciplines volunteer their time to engage communities about the Site’s mission. The topics include:

  • SRS Overview and History
  • SRS Missions
  • Environmental Impact of SRS 
  • Savannah River National Laboratory

Email us for Community & School Events Information

Request an SRS employee to participate in your career day, science fair or other STEM event.

College Night Example Image

Savannah River Site includes a number of federal and contractor organizations:

To request a speaker with Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, contact Barbara Smoak, 803-952-8060 or at [email protected]

To request a speaker with Savannah River Mission Completion, contact Dean Campbell, 803-208-8270 or at [email protected]


For more information or to request a speaker, download and complete this form.