Savannah River Site News

CSRA College Night 2
Area High school students will have a special opportunity to meet recruiters from more than 90 colleges and universities and win scholarships totaling $10,000 at CSRA College Night, Sept. 15, 5-8:30 p.m., at the James Brown Arena, Augusta, Georgia.
H Canyon_L Basin Collage
SRS received approval from the DOE to proceed with a new approach to spent nuclear fuel disposition that will result in a lifecycle cost reduction of over $4 billion dollars and represents a more than 20-year acceleration over the current approach.
SRS Tour Program Coordinator Bob Bonnett
Registration is now open for the 2022 Savannah River Site (SRS) public tour program. More than 600 seats are available on 16 public Site tours (four being Historic Tours) to be held throughout the year.