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Neutrinos are the ghosts of the universe. They pass through all matter and travel at near the speed of light. And some begin with a star's violent death.
Third in a series of profiles on the recipients of DOE’s Office of Science early career awards: Alysia Marino, a University of Colorado scientist who is spending her career tracking down neutrinos and learning their secrets.
Seing Inside Nature's Toy Box: Artistic rendering of quarks and gluons being imaged using Ivan Vitev's new technology.
Second in a series of profiles on the recipients of DOE’s Office of Science early career awards: Ivan Vitev, a Los Alamos National Lab scientist who shows how the building blocks of matter are organized in Nature’s toy box.
A representation of multi-metal catalysts, which mimic photosynthetic reactions.
First in a series of profiles on the recipients of DOE’s Office of Science early career awards: Theodore Betley, a Harvard University scientist who is catalyzing transformations for chemicals and students.