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PPPL looks to magnetic mirrors to produce small, economical fusion devices.
Four-image panel of colorful simulations on a black background show at top left a light blue cloud density with a tail that is overlaid with simulation mesh that is finer around the cloud; at bottom left, streamlines of wind shown in white with areas of strong vorticity in orange lead to turbulence. At bottom right, purple and blue magnetic field lines drape around the cloud; at top right is the light gray and blue jellyfish galaxy which exhibits similar behavior.
A trio of new and improved cosmological simulation codes heralds a new era of exascale computational astrophysics that promises to advance our understanding of the universe with models of unprecedented scale and resolution.
Northwestern University DOE Early Career Award recipient speeds alternative-energy discoveries.
Weill Cornell team uses powerful computing to decipher the molecular mechanics of healthy and diseased cells.
University of Maryland DOE Early Career researcher explores flexible, dynamic architectures for high-performance computers.