The Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (BESAC) — established on September 4, 1986 — provides valuable, independent advice to the Department of Energy on the Basic Energy Sciences program regarding the complex scientific and technical issues that arise in the planning, management, and implementation of the program. BESAC's recommendations include advice on establishing research and facilities priorities; determining proper program balance among disciplines; and identifying opportunities for interlaboratory collaboration, program integration, and industrial participation. The Committee primarily includes representatives of universities, national laboratories, and industries involved in energy-related scientific research. Particular attention is paid to obtaining a diverse membership with a balance of disciplines, interests, experiences, points of view, and geography. BESAC operates in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA, Public Law 92-463; 92nd Congress, H.R. 4383; October 6, 1972) and all applicable FACA Amendments, Federal Regulations and Executive Orders. Learn more about BESAC.