Office of Science Selections from Funding Opportunity Announcements for the week of September 4, 2024
September 4, 2024Enabling Next-Generation Batteries and Energy Storage
Provides the scientific foundation needed to seed and accelerate next generation technologies beyond today’s lithium (Li)-ion batteries. The multi-institution research teams, led by Argonne National Laboratory and Stanford University, will develop scientific concepts and understanding to impact decarbonization of transportation and incorporation of clean energy into the electricity grid.
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Grants to Small Businesses
Funding addresses multiple mission-critical areas important for the nation, including clean energy and decarbonization, cybersecurity and grid reliability, fusion energy, and nuclear nonproliferation. Small businesses that demonstrated technical feasibility for innovations during their Phase I grants competed for funding for prototype or processes development during Phase II. In addition, prior Phase II awardees competed for second or third Phase II awards to continue prototype and process development.
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Energy Frontier Research Centers
Ten Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRCs) designed to bring together world-class teams of scientists for groundbreaking fundamental research have been funded in nine states. EFRCs bring together diverse, world-class teams of scientists to perform basic research that accelerates ground-breaking scientific advances underlying energy technologies. The centers develop powerful new tools for characterizing, understanding, modeling, and manipulating matter, while training the next-generation scientific workforce by attracting talented students passionate about energy science.
Correction from last week’s posting: General Plasma Science Collaborative Research Facilities
Supports frontier-level plasma science research on one or more of the FES GPS Program supported, collaborative research facilities (CRFs). The focus here is on new, one-time, short-term, small “seed” funding for external collaborations with the CRFs and to increase participation at and productivity of these facilities. Through the support of this research, the FES GPS Program plays a key role in training the next generation of plasma scientists and engineers.
View the Funding Opportunity Announcement
See a full list of Office of Science Topical Funding Opportunity Awards