Download the county-level data here and learn more about the 2022 USEER report.
Why are so many counties listed as < 10?
Rather than providing false precision, for counties with low numbers of energy jobs, we used <10 to show counties with 1-9 energy jobs.
What is a “N/A” county?
The “N/A” numbers are jobs that we are unable to allocate to a specific county within a given state.
Where can I get data prior to 2020?
This release includes data from 2016, 2020, and 2021. Other data is available from the National Association of Energy Officials and Energy Futures Initiative at
Can I isolate data from one technology using the same aggregation scheme as the national report?
No, due to methodological constraints, statistical significance, and Federal disclosure and privacy laws, the higher-level granularity available in the state-level data is not available at the county level.
Is this data available by Congressional District (or under any other aggregation scheme)?
How are county estimates generated?
County estimates take state level data, which was released in June 2022, and use a combination of survey results, publicly available government county-level employment data, and Energy Information Administration data on energy activity to apportion jobs results across counties.
Why are there slightly different technologies in the 2021 file compared to 2016 and 2020?
The level of detail can change over time due to changes in the survey instrument and size of the energy sub-sector. Detailed data on very small sectors cannot be disclosed due to low statistical significance of results and privacy laws, but as those sectors grow, the jobs can be reported in future reports. More recent data reflects job growth in subsectors that were previously too small to report individually.
Is there demographic information available at the county level?
The sample and accompanying government data do not allow for county-level demographic information on energy jobs.
What USEER report is each data year associated with?
USEER reports contain data from the previous year. As such, the 2022 report contains data from 2021, the 2021 report contains data from 2020, and the 2017 report contains data from 2016.