DOE Small Business Security Clearance Reciprocity

Most companies can usually carry over their Facility Clearance (FCL) from a different government agency to DOE. When the DOE Foreign Ownership, Control and Influence (FOCI) or FCL Site Office receives a new Contract Security Classification Specification (CSCS), and the FCL Site Office can verify there is an existing FCL for the company with another agency, the FCL Site Office will submit a “Request for Reciprocity” to the agency. This request can take between 2 weeks to 2 months before the FCL reciprocity is granted.

Upon receiving the approval, the company should already have a favorable FOCI determination which is usually done before an FCL is granted. If that was the case then DOE would not need to complete another. However, the agency would need to verify that there are clearances for the company’s Key Management Personnel (KMP), which are the company owners and their Facility Security Officer (FSO). If the KMP and FSO do not have a DOE “Q” clearance, but do have an active clearance with another agency, then a request for reciprocal clearance will need to be submitted to DOE Personnel Security Office (AU-43) by the Program Office Headquarters Security Office (HSO) associated with the contract. 

It is important to remember that the contract cannot be fully processed until all KMPs have been cleared with DOE. This is very important for companies to keep in mind given the length of time it may take to clear the KMPs.

For more information please go to HQFMSP Chpt 4.