Two new student representatives seated on advisory board.
Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management
June 23, 2017The Oak Ridge Site Specific Advisory Board (ORSSAB) welcomes two new student representatives to the board. Chloe Nussbaum and Cameron Niemeyer will serve on the board for a one-year term through April 2018.
ORSSAB is a federally chartered citizens’ panel that provides recommendations to the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management, which is responsible for the cleanup of the Oak Ridge Reservation. Each year the board seats non-voting student representatives from area high schools to engage the perspectives of local students on environmental issues.
Chloe will be a senior at Oak Ridge High School in the fall. She is part of the Key Club for volunteering in school activities and varsity athletics. She enjoys playing soccer and basketball, as well as traveling and learning about other cultures. Chloe has been a student of the month and is on the honor roll.
This summer she will be in Jordan and Thailand to help Syrian refugees settle and create businesses in Jordan. As part of the trip she will attend a conference in Thailand to talk about the work.
When she was 16, she raised enough money for a family she met in Guatemala to build a house and buy food and a stove.
Chloe plans on going into a missions-based field and majoring in counseling and specialize in helping people who suffer with post-traumatic stress disorders.
Cameron will be a senior at Hardin Valley Academy. He is interested in biology, especially marine biology. He is in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Academy currently with a 4.41 grade point average.
He’s a two-year varsity letterman on the Hardin Valley Academy soccer team, and he is member of the National Honor Society.
Cameron plans to attend college and perhaps continue playing soccer after high school. He says learning about local environmental problems is very important, especially in Oak Ridge.
ORSSAB meets the second Wednesday of most months at 6 p.m. at the DOE Information Center located at 1 Way in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Additional information about the board and its student representatives is available online at or by calling ORSSAB staff at (865) 241-4583 or 241-4584.