DOE and Advisory Board Recognize Retiring Members for Service

Five outgoing ORSSAB members are recognized for their service to the board.

Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management

June 23, 2017
minute read time
Mike Ford, Dave Hemelright, and Greg Paulus receive plaques for service.

Dave Adler, ORSSAB's Alternate Deputy Designated Federal Officer, second from left, presented plaques of appreciation to outgoing board members Mike Ford, left, Dave Hemelright, and Greg Paulus, right.



The Oak Ridge Site Specific Advisory Board (ORSSAB) and the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management (OREM) recognized five retiring members at its June meeting. ORSSAB is a federally chartered citizens’ panel that provides recommendations to the OREM program. Its members are appointed by DOE to serve a two-year term and they can be reappointed for two additional terms.

“There is no way to adequately acknowledge and appreciate what you’ve done for us,” said ORSSAB’s Alternate Deputy Designated Federal Officer Dave Adler in presenting plaques of appreciation to the outgoing members. “With a combined 24 years of service they have attended meetings both locally and nationally, have help craft recommendations, and have interacted with the public. They have been a huge help to us.”

Board chair Belinda Price also thanked them for their time. “I, too, thank you for your service to ORSSAB. Your commitment has been instrumental to the success of the board, and you will be missed.”

Mike Ford served one term on the board and was a member of the Environmental Management/Stewardship (EMS) Committee.

Mary Smalling served two-terms and served on the EMS, Public Outreach, and Nominating Committees and staffed the ORSSAB booth at Oak Ridge Earth Day celebrations.

Howard Holmes was appointed to three terms and was a member of the EMS Committee.

Greg Paulus was also a six-year member and served as chair of the Board Finance & Process Committee from 2012-2015 and was a member of Executive Committee during that period. He was also a member of the EM Budget & Prioritization Committee in 2012 and the EMS Committee from 2014-2017.

Dave Hemelright was board chair for 2014 and 2015, vice chair in 2012 and 2013, and board secretary in 2016 and 2017. During his six years he served on the former Stewardship Committee, Public Outreach and Board Finance & Process Committees, the former EM Committee, the combined EMS Committee, and the Executive Committee.

Hemelright attended and participated in a variety of meetings, conferences, and tours. He represented ORSSAB at the national EM SSAB Chairs’ meetings, presented a paper at the 2016 Waste Management Forum, and attended the 2015 Perma Fix Waste Management Forum. He presented ORSSAB priorities for cleanup at DOE EM’s Public Community Budget Workshops and staffed the ORSSAB booth at Earth Day.

Although they are no longer members of ORSSAB they can continue to participate in Oak Ridge EM cleanup and stewardship activities as public members of the EMS Committee.

ORSSAB meets on the second Wednesday of most months at 6 p.m., at the DOE Information Center, Way, Oak Ridge, Tenn. Information about the board is available on the web at or by calling (865) 241-4583 or 241-4584.

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