DOE and Advisory Board Recognize Retiring Members for Service

Retiring ORSSAB members are recognized for their service.

Oak Ridge Office of Environmental Management

June 24, 2015
minute read time

The Oak Ridge Site Specific Advisory Board (ORSSAB) and the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Oak Ridge Environmental (EM) Program recognized two retiring members at its June meeting. ORSSAB members Jimmy Bell of Kingston and Fay Martin of Oak Ridge served four years on the board. ORSSAB is a federally chartered citizens’ panel that provides recommendations to DOE’s Oak Ridge EM Program.

“I know the rest of the board will join me in thanking you for your contributions to the board, said Susan Cange, the board’s DOE Deputy Designated Federal Officer and Manager of the Oak Ridge EM Program. “You have absolutely made a significant contribution. On behalf of the DOE I thank you for your service.”

Board chair Dave Hemelright also thanked the pair for their time. “You will be greatly missed. I have learned a great deal from both of you.”

Bell has provided consulting services to Egan, Fitzpatrick, Malsch & Lawrence, PLLC, a legal firm involved in environmental issues. Previously, he worked as a chemist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) from 1963 to 1995.

Martin retired in 1996 from ORNL, where she worked as an environmental toxicologist. She is the vice chair of membership of the American Association of University Women, Oak Ridge Branch, vice president of the Oak Ridge Garden Club, and member of the Steering Committee of Women's Interfaith Dialogue.

She also serves on the Recreation and Parks Board of the City of Oak Ridge and the Board of the Oak Ridge Heritage and Preservation Association.

ORSSAB meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m., at the DOE Information Center at Way in Oak Ridge. Information about the board is available on the internet at or by calling (865) 241-4583 or 241-4584.

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