FIA-24-0044 - In the Matter of: Catherine Rinaldi

FIA-24-0044 - Denied

Office of Hearings and Appeals

August 16, 2024
minute read time

On August 16, 2024, the OHA Director issued a decision denying a Freedom of Information Act appeal. The appeal argued that NNSA's search was inadequate because it did not perform a search for the requested records: records of a chip implanted in Appellant's body by the military and CIA . NNSA initially denied the request, stating that it did not maintain such records. NNSA defended its denial, arguing that it was not required to search for records that it does not maintain. The OHA Director cited well-established case law in agreement with NNSA's argument and denied the appeal. (OHA Case No. FIA-24-0044) 

FIA-24-0044.pdf (123.37 KB)