FIA-22-0018 - In the Matter of William Gagner

FOIA; Appeal granted in part

Office of Hearings and Appeals

July 5, 2022
minute read time

On July 5, 2022, the Office of Hearings and Appeals (OHA) granted in part the Freedom of Information (FOIA) Appeal filed by William Gagner from a final determination letter ( Determination Letter) issued by the Department of Energy's Office of Science Consolidated Service Center (OSCSC). On Appeal, the Appellant argued the agency failed to adequately explain why it made redactions pursuant to Exemption 4 and 5, and that it did not correctly apply Exemptions 4 and 5 to the redacted documents.

An examination of the Determination Letter revealed that the letter  (1) adequately described the results of searches; (2) clearly indicated which information was withheld; and (3) specified the exceptions or exemptions under which information was withheld insofar as it concerned Exemption 5. However, as it related to the explanation provided for the Exemption  4 redactions, the Determination Letter was inadequate, as it did not employ wording consistent with the legal precedent, as established by Argus Leader, that the  "competitive-harm" test should no longer be applied in determining whether information is  "confidential." Accordingly, the matter was remanded so that OSCSC could reconsider the explanation it provided in the Determination Letter, in light of relevant legal requirements, in order for the Appellant to assess whether OSCSC had a sufficient basis to apply Exemption 4.

The Appellant argued the DOE and the Contractor had previously agreed on how and when the DOE would treat information from UT-Battelle as confidential. As the documents in question  were  not  marked  "proprietary"  or  "confidential"  pursuant  to  their  agreement,  there was  nothing  indicating  the  Contractor  treated  the  information  as  confidential.  Additionally, there was no indication that the DOE provided assurances of confidentiality to the Contractor at the time the information was submitted to the DOE. An examination of materials provided to  OHA  indicated  that  the  information  in  question  consisted  of  financial  information  that  is kept confidential and not released to the public. Further, the information in question is transmitted  to  the  DOE  in  confidence.  Accordingly,  the  information  was  customarily  and actually treated as private. Regarding the matter of whether the DOE provided an assurance of confidentiality when the Contractor submitted the information, it was determined that the contract between the Contractor and the DOE indicates the financial information was a contractor-owned  record.  Accordingly,  there  was  an  expectation  that  the  information  would not be released. This created an implied assurance of privacy at the time the Contractor submitted the information. OHA concluded that Exemption 4 was appropriately applied to the redacted information contained in the responsive documents.

Regarding Exemption 5, the Appellant argued that based on the context of the email containing the redaction, there was no indication a  "legal" or "policy" decision was being made. An examination of the redaction that was made pursuant to Exemption  5 revealed that the email was drafted by a DOE employee and sent for the purpose of seeking more information,  reflecting  the  "give-and-take"  contemplated  by  the  exemption.  It  was  also determined that the email in question was sent in relation to a decision pertaining to an annual  financial  report.  Accordingly,  OHA  determined  that  Exemption  5 was  appropriately applied to the document in question. (OHA Case No. FIA-22-0018)

PSH-22-0018.pdf (158.36 KB)